In the midst of Sandra’s explanation of the situation with the rental car, Eithne’s cell phone rang, catching everyone’s attention. The last time the group had been gathered, at breakfast that morning, Sari’s phone had rung, bringing the news that she was to return to Washington. Everyone wondered what it would be about this time.

"Llewelyn. ... Who is this? ... What? ... Yes, I understand. Just a minute." She lowered the phone and held it out to Kate. "Agent Smith wants to talk to you."

"Smith," Kate asked, a little startled, recalling the impression she’d gotten of Smith when she’d first encountered him, and the various warnings she’d received to stay clear of him from the director and from Josh. So why did he want to talk to her? She took the phone reluctantly. "Calloway."

[Good morning, Agent Calloway. Agents Llewelyn and McCormick have been recalled to Washington. As of now, you are officially in charge of the Delta team. Three replacements are on the way to you. Their plane will be arriving at one o’clock. Any questions?]

"If I may ask, sir, why are these changes being made?"

[That’s unimportant. Good luck.] The line went dead and Kate handed the phone back to Eithne.

"Well," Kate said, "there’s been another change in command."

"Sandra and I will be returning to Washington," Eithne said.

A look of shock crossed Sandra’s face. "What! Not again!"

Similar sentiments echoed from the rest of the team.

"Kate will be your new team leader," Eithne said, holding out a hand to Kate. "Congratulations."

Kate nodded and shook her hand. "It’s been good working with you. Both of you," she said, turning to Sandra. "We’ll miss you. Do the two of you want a ride to the airport?"

Sandra and Eithne consulted for a moment and finally agreed.

"All right, we have plenty of time to stop by the motel for your things before you catch your flight," Kate said. "I’ll pick up our new team members." She turned to Flynn and Damian. "Damian, why don’t you go with Flynn to talk to Dr. Meadows. After that, we’ll meet for a late lunch back at the motel and bring our newcomers up to date on everything that’s happened."

The group lingered for a few more moments, saying their good-byes, then Kate, Eithne and Sandra headed off for the airport.

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