>Sharlyn studied the case for a moment. "I >think this Dr. Burrel knows more than he is letting >on. I'd keep a close eye on him if I was investigating."

Kate smiled at that. "Well, as luck would have it, you are investigating.. And I agree with you. He's the best lead we've got at the moment. I'd like to establish a loose surveillance of him. Unfortunately, he's seen me, and we didn't exactly get along too well." She nodded to Sharlyn. "That assignment is yours if you want it."

>"I'm Patrica Courtney McFly. I'm a Doctor I studied >at Med school after doing a term at Oxford. I'm skilled >in Forensics. I joined the F.B.I as I wanted to further >my work in Forensics. I'm married with 2 Children. " >Patrica said.

"Boys or girls," Kate asked.

"One of each." [NRPG: Is that right?]

"I have two boys myself," Kate said. "We'll have to trade war stories some time."

>"I think that these Girls were planning to get married >and maybe it would be worth Chatting to the >boyfriends." She said. Then thought. "maybe they >have been killed by the man that was going to marry >them perhap's he was hurt by a girl in a sority in the >past and he has a vendenter against all these Women. >Course I would need to look at the bodies to be sure >On this." Patrica said

"That can be arranged. Ann Shepard's body is currently at the county morgue awaiting autopsy. The local authorities have been… reasonably cooperative. I think they'd just like to see this case go away with no extra work on their part. As to the girls planning to get married, we've found no evidence of that. Ann Shepard's boyfriend was a young man by the name of Brian Astman. He committed suicide last night in front of several witnesses, including most of the team. Of course, that doesn't rule out the possibility that he was involved, or that there was another man in her life. It's worth looking into. Also, we've been focusing primarily on this latest murder. We haven't had a chance to interview family and friends of the other victims. I think we should make that one of our priorities."

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