MD2 2:05 PM

During lunch, Flynn finally had time to relax. Then the case started to sink in on him. Especially the suicide of young Brian bothered him.

So when the possibillity came up to go to the morgue, Flynn volunteered.

2:30 PM
The Morgue

Flynn and Patricia made some preliminary ~get to know you~ remarks, as they drove over to the morgue.

Actually inside the morgue they were directed to the location of the Body's of Ann and Brian.

Patricia started to work with cold professionalism. She started to work on Brian, and the sight of his face made Flynn hurt. Hurt that he couldn't have prevented the suicide.

A pathologist walked in, and saw that Patricia was the one with the expertise. Maybe Flynn's green face had something to do with it....

Flynn showed his badge, "Special Agent Flynn Woods of the FBI. This is Special Agent McFly."

He nodded, then Patricia turned to him: "Do you have a toxicology report?"

"No. We've performed several tests but they've come up negative."

"Let me guess. You tried to find out if he was drunk or on drugs, right?"

"Yes, the standard tests."

"You see these marks on the back of his head?" Patricia asked.

"No, what marks?' the pathologist leaned in closer and started to examine Brian's head. Even Flynn took a few steps closer to see what she was talking about.

"These marks indicate that he has been under the influence of some kind of toxic. I want you to do an extensive test, to find out what."

"You know that by some simple marks on his head?" Flynn asked.

"Sure. It's usually the first place where the body shows that it's been tampered with."

Patricia let the pathologist do his tests, as she went over to the other body. Before turning back the cover, she turned to Flynn. "Are you sure you wanna see this?" she asked with some light humor in her voice.

Flynn swallowed, "No, but I have to."

Patricia turned back the covers, and started to do a similar investigation of Ann's body, as she did on Brian's.

"What the..?" Patricia let out, when she turned Ann's head over.

"What have you found?" Flynn asked as he walked closer.

"Almost identical marks on Ann's head, as there are on Brian's. Except that Brian's are Black/Blue, and Ann's are a Yellowish Brown." Patricia stated.

"Which means?" Flynn asked.

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