MD2 2:56PM

"I don't think you have a warrent do you?" A voice stated behind Patricia and Flynn's backs.

Flynn turned around to look who had spoken. There was a boy, black hair, blue eyes, dressed in black Jeans and a dark blue sweater. "I'm Agent Flynn Woods, this is Agent Patricia McFly. Do you live here?"

"And what if I do?" the boy walked and crossed his arms before his chest.

Patricia pointed towards the box. "You've got a serious problem, Walter."

The boy frowned, "My name is Richard."

Flynn could see the confusion on Patricia's face, "we were told that Walter Calcroix stayed here."

"Only when he has problems with his parents. Last time, four months ago." Richard said.

"Still. This is going to look bad for you." Flynn said, gesturing towards the box with needles.

The boy laughed. "You can't do anything to me. I know my rights. You don't have a warrent, so it's illegal to take that as evidence. Besides my father would sue you for everything the state's got!"

"Nevertheless. I'm going to call the sherrif." Patricia said, then turned towards Flynn.

"I'll stay here and guard him." Flynn said, then gestured for her to hurry.

Richard walked towards the other end of the room and sat down in a chair. "Make yourself comfortable."

"No thanks. I'll stand." Flynn replied.

"I'll be out of jail before supper."

"I don't care. Your record will still be tainted."

The boy shook his head, "My father will sort things out."

Flynn was disgusted by Richard's manners. "I hope not." he muttered.

Scene: 3:34PM

Flynn and Patricia walked up to the door of the Mansion and rang the doorbell.

A man opened the door. And Patricia and Flynn went through the routine introducing.

The man was the butler, and told them that Walter wasn't in right now, but was expected to arrive any moment.
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