>>Suddenly Walter walked in.

"What's going on?"

"Walter. I want to talk to you. These FBI Agents are telling me you're doing drugs again." his father said sternly.

"They're lying!" Walter said. "I've been clean for nine months now. You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you and mum again."

The father gazed into Walter's eyes. "I believe you son."

Patricia scraped her throat. "Well, we have some questions for you Walter."

{Do we} Flynn wondered. He was beginning to believe Walter when he said he wasn't on drugs. This whole heroine story had bugged him from the beginning. What if it wasn't drugs, but something else. For a second he remembered something from the past. Some book he had once read, but it slipped away.

"Flynn, you OK?" Patricia's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Flynn turned towards Walter.

"Do you know Brian Astman?" he asked.

Walter was surprised by this question. "Yeah. He was my best friend."

Flynn pulled out the photograph he had taken from Brian's room. "Can you give me the names of all the people on this picture?"

Walter's eyes went wide when he saw the picture. "Where did you get that?!"

Flynn blinked, surprised at the extreme reaction from Walter. "I got it from Brian's room."

"Is something wrong?" Patricia asked.

"No. I just thought they'd gotten rid of everything." Walter answered.

"They?" Flynn asked.

Walter's father went and stood in front of Walter. "Is there a point to these questions?"

"Dad. It's okay. Someone was going to find out, sooner or later." Walter said.

"Find out what?" Patricia asked.

"Won't you sit down," Walter's father said, he obviously knew more of this. "Would you like something to drink? He's got quite a story for you." Flynn looked into his eyes and saw grief, anger and {fear?} all mingled up in one.

"Coffee, please." Flynn said, then turned towards Walter, who nervously sat down as well.

Walter's father left, after taking Patricia's "order". Walter rubbed his hands, and started speaking.

"It started, well I guess in High Scool. There were a few of us hanging out together. At first there were as many as you saw on that picture. We used to make costumes together for halloween. Read gost-stories and stuff. Just some childish stuff."

Flynn gestured him to go on, he didn't even look up when Walter's father came in and put the coffee in front of him.

"Then, as time went by the "gatherings" became more frequent. Until all of a sudden we had a `club' of fourteen members." Walter's face twitched. "We cleaned out the library looking for more horrors. Then, I think it was Eric, found a book about ancient crafts, and rituals and stuff. By that time we were all so deep into it, we didn't see it coming."

"See what?" Patricia asked.

"We were ripe for a cult." Walter said disgusted. "All we needed was a leader. And we, or at least the girls, found one."

"Dr. Burrell?" Flynn asked.

Walter blinked. "He called himself Dr. Burrell yes. If that's his true name," he shrugged, "I don't know."

Flynn frowned.

"You said earlier you had been addicted to heroine?" Patricia asked in a cool voice. Maybe she didn't believe Walter....

"No and yes. Actually HE introduced some kind of drug to us, and we were addicted."

"What do you mean by no?"

"I don't know if it was heroine. You see, we didn't use convential needles. And the drug we injected had a purple colour."

His father shivered, as Walter continued....

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