[MD2, 4:30PM, University Hospital]

Craig was leaning in the doorway of Quinn's room when Kate returned with Megan in tow. The girl somehow managed to maintain an air of defiance despite the fact that she was being led by the wrist by a federal agent.

"Craig," Kate said, "I want you to meet the legendary Megan Miller."

Craig nodded. "Quinn seemed to recognize the name." He took a step out of the doorway toward Kate. "There's something he's not telling us. He looked terrified, but somehow I don't think it was of her," he said quietly, nodding at Megan.

Megan snorted.

"Don't be fooled by her appearance. Her attitude can be rather intimidating," Kate said wryly. Her cell phone rang and she pulled it out of her pocket with her free hand. Craig took over holding on to Megan so Kate could answer the call. "Calloway."

>"Kate its me Patrica we spoke to Walter and
>Walter says years ago when they were at high
>School they met Dr Burrel and he got them
>In to Drugs. He say's it was a purple drug" She

"How many kids were involved in this," Kate asked.

[Originally, there were about fourteen of them. The group grew after they got into college, though. We found a picture of the original fourteen.]

"Good. We're at University Hospital. Quinn is conscious. He told us that Burrell and Richmond were the ones who attacked him."

[Richmond? The mayor?]

"It's a long story. Sharlyn and Damian aren't answering their phones. They were tracking Burrell. Our first priority right now is to locate them. How soon can you get here so we can coordinate our efforts?"

In the background, Kate could hear Patrica consulting with Flynn. [We'll be there in ten minutes,] she said when she came back on the line.

"Good. See you then." Kate put the phone away. She crossed her arms and stared at Megan for a few moments. "Why did he send you here?"

"No one sent me," Megan said. "I just came to visit a friend."

"How long have you known Will? Since high school?"

Megan glared at her, then finally shrugged. "Yeah. So what?"

Kate recounted what Patrica had told her for Craig. As Megan listened, she seemed to get nervous, though she tried to cover it.

"Quinn was involved in it, then," Craig said. "And so was she."

"It would appear so," Kate said. She cast a glance through the door of Quinn's room and shook her head sadly. For some inexplicable reason, she was fond of him. He seemed like a sweet kid, and it was as hard to imagine him involved in something like this as it would be if it were one of her own kids. "Come on."

The agents, dragging Megan along, returned to Quinn's room. He was none too happy to see the girl. "What's she doing here," he demanded.

"Nice to see you, too," Megan said.

Craig put Megan in a chair in the corner, as far from Quinn as the small room would allow.

"How deep are you into this," Kate asked. "Will, you tried to help me, and I'd like to return the favor."

Quinn nodded. "It was all just for fun," he said. His voice was still weak, but with some effort he was forcing the words out. "When they got into drugs, I wanted out, but…"

"Shut up, you idiot," Megan said.

"But what?"

"They wouldn't let me. No one was supposed to get hurt. It was her." He pointed at Megan. "She was the one who got everyone hooked. She's the one who introduced us to Burrell."

"Liar!" Megan lunged at Quinn. Craig, who was standing closer to her, tried to grab her, but she twisted out of his grasp and landed hard on Quinn's chest. Kate grabbed Megan's arms as she tried to get her hands around Quinn's neck, and pulled her back. Megan kicked and struggled as Craig tried to get hold of her legs. Finally the two of them managed to get the kicking, and now screaming, girl away from Quinn.

A small audience was starting to gather. Two nurses appeared in the doorway, followed by a doctor. Craig had to drop Megan's feet in order to flash his ID and pacify the hospital personnel who had no idea what was going on and were showing indications of interfering on Megan's behalf.

With her feet on the floor, Megan continued to kick and scream, landing a couple of good kicks to Kate's shins. Kate had taken all she was going to from the little brat. She kicked Megan's feet out from under her and pushed her face down on the floor with one knee in the small of Megan's back and both of Megan's arms twisted painfully behind her.

Flynn and Patrica appeared in the doorway behind the small crowd and took in the scene. "Did we miss something," Flynn asked.

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