MD2 6:00 PM, in the house

>" No I need them...." he said.

"What for?" Patricia asked.

"For the ascendancy ritual, right?" Flynn guessed. He had recognized the pattern of the candles, the way the body's were spread on the floor.

~Burrell~ faltered for a moment, surprised by the fact that an FBI-agent would know about this.

"How did you know?" Albert asked.

Flynn took two steps in his direction, in hopes of distracting him. "I know a lot. I know that you believe that you must sacrifice these girls in order to hold on to your ~powers~."

"Oh, not to hold on, not with this lot," Albert grinned, "They're going to make me immortal. I'll have more powers than the great ~Druids~. Did you know we've been around for that long. Pity though. Nowadays they don't take us serious. They don't see our right to rule. They," he gestured towards the other girls, "are my life's work. Through them I will obtain more power than any other on this Earth. I'm destined to rule!" he cried out, and raised his hand.

Flynn hoped he'd done his job by distracting Albert Richmond.....

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