[MD2; 1:39 PM]


Stevens backed up, a frightened look on his face. He knew what hapened to his predecessor.

"Delta's making progress. Too much."

"I thought you'd taken care of that."

"It doesn't seem to be as effective as usual."

"So kill one of them, wound them, kidnapp them anything!. That should distract them for a while."

Stevens was shocked, "They're still working for our government Jack."

Jack turned his gaze towards Stevens. "Are they? They're a threat Stevens. We need a few days and then it's over. Give me that time Stevens."

"Yes sir." Stevens nodded, then walked out, arranging for some distractions for Team Delta.

"Damn those X-Files Teams." Jack's hands balled to fists and his usually ice filled eyes, were on fire. They were so close. The tests were almost complete, and the extraction had already partially begun.

4:21 PM

Flynn looked around, at the trees. They didn't look similar to the ones of his past, but that didn't make any diffrence. He was once again in a forest.

>>"We're going nowhere... All we can do is watching, but we're already being watched for sure. And Docker may already be near here."<<

There was a sound, and the team hid itself even further. A man walked towards the woods. He had emerged from the black building, but it was almost impossible to say from where exactly.

"Amazing," Flynn muttered. No door had opened, no light had fallen outside the black building. It also seemed to be the only thing he could see, he had to will himself to look at the man.

Kate looked at Newt pointed at him and Dinah, and whispered. "Follow." They nodded, and swiftly and silently started to follow the man.

"Now.. We need to come up with a game-plan to get into that building. Suggestions?"

"The surface seems to absorb everything. I'm having difficulty keeping my eyes of it. Maybe the doorway's diffrent." Flynn offered in simple logic.

"Still we wouldn't know what we would find in there. They could heavily outgun us.

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