
[MD 3, 9:00pm, Richardson's Cabin]

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Richardson," Newt said politely when Mrs. Richardson opened the door. "I'm Agent Prescott. Is your husband at home?"

"He's .. gone out looking for Logan. He's having a hard time sitting still .. We all are."

"I can understand that, ma'am. Do you know the general location I might find him. I really need to talk to him."

"Is it about Logan? Have you found something?" her eyes lit up hopefully.

"Nothing definite, but I would like to ask him some more questions."

"You have a lead?"

"Just questions, Ma'am."

She nodded, "Please come in, and I can call Sterling on his cellular."

"That would be great, ma'am."

"Jessie, please."

Newt nodded and followed her in. "Would you like something to drink?" she called back to him.

"Oh no thank you, Ma'am. I'm fine."

She nodded as she grabbed a cordless phone and dialed it. He must have picked up right away as she spoke quickly. "Hi Honey. One of those agents is here to talk to you."

Newt took a seat as she continued to talk, "What? .. But .."

He watched as a frown formed on her face, "Sterling ..?"

Newt could tell things weren't going as well as she'd thought, "All right. But hurry. Okay? .. I love you too .. Bye."

Jessie Richardson turned to face Newt, "Umm .. Sterling's gonna be a while. He .. has an errand to run."

"I see. Do you know how long."

"Not long. He said to keep you here, and he'd be home as soon as he was done."

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