[MD3, 9:45AM, World’s End State Park]

Kate and September pulled up in front of the cabins not expecting to find anyone there. They were surprised to see a light on in the men’s cabin.

"Looks like someone’s at home," September commented.

Kate nodded and got out of the car. "Good. Go knock on the door and bring whoever it is back to our cabin. We can start working on a plan. Meanwhile, I’m going to go wash up. I reek of dog."

"You’re not the only one," September said as she headed toward Flynn and Newt’s cabin.

Kate went inside and barely had a chance to wash her hands before her phone rang. She answered it, balancing it on her shoulder while she dried her hands and went to change.


[Good morning.]

"Josh! You’re a little late for my wake up call," she said, then thought for a second. "You know I always look forward to hearing from you, don’t you?"

[Yes,] Josh said tentatively.

"Good, then you’ll forgive me when I ask you this. What’s the shake up this time?"

Laughter from the other end of the line. [Are you always going to be so skeptical?]

"Only when you call during office hours. So?"

[Dinah Weill. The Metro field office wants the division’s assistance on a case. They need a profiler who speaks Yiddish. Agent Weill fits the bill.]

Kate took a few seconds to be annoyed, then shrugged it off - along with her jacket, which smelled strongly of eau de Charlie. "When do you need her? We’re close on this one, Josh. I hate to lose anyone right now."

[ASAP. There’s a ticket waiting for her at the Scranton airport, the one o’clock flight to DC. Sorry, Kate. The orders…]

Kate got a sigh out before she interrupted him. "I know, the orders came from above."

[It’s a cliché, but it fits.]

"Yeah, well, life happens. Hey, a strange thing happened last night." She briefly recounted her meeting on the playground and described the informant. "Sound like anyone you know?"

[No, I don’t think so. Anything he said check out?]

"Hard to tell, but it looks that way. About the dogs, at least. I still don’t like the fact that he’s been watching us." She wasn’t sure is she meant the team or herself and Josh when she said ‘us’. Probably both.

[Is it that, or the fact that you didn’t notice him?] Kate could hear a grin in Josh’s voice as he said that.

Kate laughed. He was absolutely right, and they both knew it. That didn’t mean that she had to admit it. "I’ll talk to you later." She cut the connection just as September came into the cabin.

"They just left the light on. No one there," she said on her way through the cabin to the bathroom.

Kate nodded, already dialing Dinah’s number.


"It’s Kate. Where are you?"

[Sheriff’s office, looking over the missing persons reports.]

"Okay. We’ll catch up with you there."


[10:00AM, Sheriff’s office]

They found Dinah sitting at the sheriff’s desk with a small pile of folders in front of her. From the look on her face, Kate guessed that she hadn’t found anything useful in them.

"Where’s everyone else," Kate asked.

"Woods and Robins went out to the site of the fire and Prescott is talking to the Richardsons," Dinah said. "I’m starting to think I should have gone with him." She pushed the files aside. "No one even knows exactly where these people disappeared. It’s just assumed that they were near World’s End."

"Safe assumption, though," September said.

"True. What about the dog?"

"September can fill you in on that on the way to Scranton," Kate said. September nodded, since Kate had told her about the call from Josh in the car, and Dinah frowned. "Washington Metro needs someone who speaks Yiddish. Your name came up. It’s only a temporary reassignment."

Dinah nodded, but she didn’t look happy about it. "When do I leave?"

"One o’clock." Kate smiled at the startled look on Dinah’s face at that news. It wasn’t much time, but considering the recent discovery of the warehouse, if someone had to go, best that it was early so everyone else could gather and come up with a plan. Kate turned to September. "While you’re there, would you mind checking on the condition of Agent Cohen?"

September nodded. "I’ll check with the local police, too. See if there’s been a report of Dr. Noonan’s disappearance. Or if he’s turned up anywhere," she said, making it sound like she thought the latter possibility more likely.

Back to mission logs.