[MD 3, 6:100p, Delta cabins]

>"This'll never hold up," Kate said. Not that it was even supposed to, she
>thought. Another attempt to divert the team's attention. She handed the
>warrant back to the cop and turned to Newt. "Don't worry. I'm going to
>follow you into town and we'll get this cleared up."

He nodded in relief to Kate, glad she was coming with him, though honestly, as they pushed down his head, and ushered him unceremoniously into the back of the police car, he found himself terrified. After all he couldn't remember what had happened to his gun. He barely remembered how he'd gotten to the Richardson's cabin in the first place. How the heck was he supposed to clear himself? And where was Jamie Richardson?

He couldn't believe that he'd killed Richardson. No matter how full of holes his memory was. It wasn't in his makeup to do such a thing. Of that, he was certain. But would others be as certain?

[MD 3, 6:45p, police station holding]

"I don't remember a lot of it." He told her.

She nodded, "I know. Most of the charges are forged anyway. Likely just to split us up and slow us down. And I can't let them do it."

He nodded, "I agree, you should go with the others. Don't worry about me."

"No, I'm not going to let you stay in here. We're a team, and we stick together as a team." She patted his shoulder and smiled, "Besides I've already got a call in to the bureau .. we'll have you out of here before you know it."

"They don't interfere in local police matters."

"No, not usually. But it can speed things up. Particularly this time." She assured him. "I dropped the name Docker and they listened. I don't know exactly what's up, but suddenly solving this case become top priority for them."

Sheriff Bob stepped in just then, followed by a man in a dark suit. Newt didn't recognize the man, but he thought he saw a flicker of recognition in Kate's eyes.

"Bail's been set and met." The sheriff grumbled, fumbling with keys.

Newt's jaw dropped, unsure of how that happened in the short amount of time they'd had to work, but Kat had certainly been right.

"But that doesn't mean this is over." Bob said eyeing the young man, "You aren't to leave the county. I'll see you jailed for murder yet."

"I didn't do it." Newt told him.

"That's what they all say, kid."

The man in the dark suit spoke, "Release him, Sheriff."

Newt looked at the man and nodded, "Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet. Sheriff Bob's right. This isn't over. I suggest you find yourself a good attorney .." he gave Kate a quick glance, "or find your gun .."

Newt nodded, "Yes sir."

"Agent Calloway, a word please." Kate nodded and followed the man in the suit, while the Sheriff hoped the cell door and handed Newt his jacket.

Newt took it and made to move around him, but felt himself stopped but a firm grasp on his forearm. "We'll be watching you, kid."

"Of course, sheriff." He said, shaking the man's hand off. "By the way, did you find Mrs. Logan?"

Bob's eyes stopped suspiciously on Newt's face, "No. Did you kill her too?" A glint shown in his eye for a moment, "Tell us where she is and maybe we can make things easier for you."

"I didn't kill anyone, sheriff. But then you probably know that don't you. After all you had to be in on framing me."

Bob chuckled harshly. "No, you did that all on your own."

Newt frowned and spun away from the man. Slimy cops! God he hated them!

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