[MD3, 6:50PM, sheriff’s office]

>The man in the dark suit spoke, "Release him, Sheriff."
>Newt looked at the man and nodded, "Thank you."
>"Don't thank me yet. Sheriff Bob's right. This isn't over. I
>suggest you find yourself a good attorney .." he gave Kate
>a quick glance, "or find your gun .."
>Newt nodded, "Yes sir."
>"Agent Calloway, a word please." Kate nodded and
>followed the man in the suit, while the Sheriff hoped
>he cell door and handed Newt his jacket.

The "stranger" led the way into the sheriff’s office and closed the door once Kate was inside. He sat down on the corner of the sheriff’s desk and waited for Kate to say something.

"What the hell are you doing here," she asked when she couldn’t stand the silence any longer. "I thought they’d stuck you behind a desk back in DC."

"Your gratitude is overwhelming."

"I can think of very few things to thank you for, Paul. But if in fact you had any part in getting Agent Prescott released, then thank you. Now what do you want?"

"Your work here is done, Kate. You know that as well as anyone does. Pack up, go home to the kids, give your boyfriend a call and forget about World’s End."

Kate sighed and shook her head. "We’re through here when we get some answers. If you know something, tell me. Otherwise, leave me alone."

He regarded her with a stony stare for a full minute and finally shrugged. "All I can tell you is that this investigation has brought you to the attention of some very dangerous people."

"Like Docker."

"Sorry, don’t recognize the name." He said that a little too quickly, and Kate was sure that he was lying. "These people can be ruthless, Katie. They’ll do whatever it takes to see that their agenda is met, and they’ll exploit whatever weakness they can find. I would hate to think that they might use the boys to get to you."


Newt was waiting by the car when Kate came out a couple minutes later. "Ready to go," she asked with a reassuring smile that took more effort than it should have.

"More than ready. Do you have any idea about what’s going on, Kate?"

Kate nodded, got into the car, and waited until Newt slid into the passenger seat. Then she said, "I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think you would have been released so soon if there was anything left to find at the warehouse."

"I hope you’re wrong about that, too."

"Worried about Logan Richardson?"

"A little. His mother’s missing, his father’s dead, even if he was responsible for Logan being kidnapped in the first place," Newt said. Kate gripped the steering wheel a little tighter at that. "That man back there, I got the impression that you knew him."

Kate laughed. "You could say that. His name is Paul Moran. I had the misfortune of being married to him for seven years." She ignored the surprised expression on Newt’s face and continued, "He’s of the opinion that we should get the heck out of Dodge and pretend nothing ever happened. Can’t spare five minutes to call his kids on their birthdays, but he can come down here on a moment’s notice and warn us off the case," she muttered.

"He’s bureau?"


"Is that the official stance?"

"Not as far as I know. Not that I think it’s going to matter at this point, Newt, but do you have any idea where you might have lost your gun?"

Newt frowned, adjusted his glasses and shrugged. "I remember being at the diner, and at the Richardson’s, most of the afternoon is just gone."

"I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I have a feeling it’ll turn up before too long. The cop who arrested you thought that the sheriff had it."

"But.. your ex-husband said that we’d better find it. How could they have even known I’d lost it unless they had found it. Kate..?"

"Is he involved?" Kate anticipated Newt’s question. Then she shrugged.


[7:10PM, near the warehouse]

They found the other rental car parked a discreet distance from the warehouse and pulled up alongside. Agent Cohen was sitting in the car and the others were standing around outside, watching the entrance.

"Anything," Kate asked as she and Newt got out of the car.

"That’s the only way in and out, as far as I could see," September said, nodding toward the building.

"No movement so far," Flynn said. "Sharlyn and I went in, checked it out. There’s still someone inside. We could hear them talking. We couldn’t figure out how to get into the inner part of the warehouse, though. You said the dog activated the door just by approaching it?"

"That’s right," Kate said. "That’s possibly one of the functions of the device that was implanted in his shoulder. I wonder.." She turned to look at Cohen, who was watching them intently from the back seat of the car.

Cohen opened the car door and got out. "I can get you into the warehouse," he said.

Back to mission logs.