[MD 3, 7:15pm, The Warehouse]

Team Delta followed Agent Cohen toward the Warehouse and all were slightly surprised when them man simply walked into the building. Flynn and Sharlynn had spent all that time circling the building to no avail .. and all the time all Cohen had to do was walk up to it. For sure enough as he did a dark panel slid open and allowed entry to the agents.

Cohen stepped back against a wall, "I'll wait for you here."

The rest of the agents, excluding Newt, pulled out their guns and began to spread out. Newt followed behind scanning the barren warehouse for anything that might be useful to protect himself.

He followed Kate and September down a hall, moving carefully. The three turned when they heard Flynn scream, "Freeze!"

The quickly jogged down a hall toward the voice, and soon came to a room with three scared looking, white coated, middle-aged men all holding their hands in the air. Flynn and Sharlynn were both pointing their guns at the men, "We want some answers!"

"Please .. please don't shoot .. we .. don't know anything." The first man begged

"Where's Logan Richardson?" Newt asked pushing into the room.

The second of the men looked at him and sighed, "Gone."

"Gone where?"

"You'll never find him," the first said again.

"What did you do that boy?" Kate asked.

"He won't be harmed by any of it. Honest, in fact it could be .." the first man began to explain but was silenced by the second.

"Shut up!" he yelled, then turned back to the FBI agents. "Look the boy's gone. He took him."

"Who? Docker?" Flynn spat, and the man nodded. The members of Delta looked at each other when suddenly one shot rang out, then two .. They turned to see the silent third white lab-coated man standing with a gun, a thin whisp of smoke curled from it's barrel. His two companions lay crumbled on the floor, perfect shoots through the back of their heads ..

"Freeze! Or I'll be forced to shoot you!" Flynn called. The man did not lower the gun, but simply smiled.

"Drop .. your .. weapon .." Sharlynn ordered, her own gun now pointed directly at him, as Flynn's was.

"You can't know .. the experiment must be allowed to grow .. and mature."

With lightening fast movements the man raised the gun to his own head and fired, dropping instantly to the ground.

[MD 3, 7:40pm, Outside the warehouse]

The agents stood walked slowly out to the cars, "I guess we'll never know what happened to Logan and his mother .." Newt said with a deep sigh.

"If Docker took them, it's unlikely we'll find them. I've no doubt he's covered his tracks well." Flynn said.

"I agree. I can almost guarantee he wasn't working alone .." Kate added.

New walked to the passenger-side door of the now beat up rental car and his eyes widened, "Hey! My gun!"

They all looked in and sure enough the weapon sat in the middle of the seat. He and Kate both knew it had not been there when they'd first arrived. Someone had returned it to him.

[A week later, in a small town in California]

Jesse Richardson stood by the sliding glass door which led out to her sisters patio, watching her young son as he played with the new puppy she'd gotten for him, silent tears of grief sliding down her face. In her hand hung a newspaper .. it's headline read, "Wealthy Businessman Commits Suicide."

"How did he know?" she was startled by the voice of her sister coming into the room carrying two steaming cups of hot coffee. She set them on the table.

Jesse sniffed and wiped at the tears on her face. She shrugged, and moved to the table taking a chair in front of where the coffee had been sat. "Kids just know these things I guess .." Of course in all honest it scared her. And her sister knew it.

She'd tried to laugh it off when she told her sister about the boys strange comment on the plane the day. But now .. reading the paper .. knowing that in fact her husband was dead .. It was too creepy.

Her eyes glanced back out at the boy who was happily rolling on the ground with the puppy, laughing joyfully. She tried to shake off the dread which edged her mind .. It was just a coincidence after all .. wasn't it?

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