[DELTA Office 9:00 a.m.]

<<"We meet again," he said.

"To my great misfortune," Kate muttered. "Let's get this over with."

Paul laughed, which only made Kate angrier, and turned away from her to the rest of the office. "Ah! Agent Prescott," he said with great enthusiasm, "no more problems with that Sheriff Kastenbach I hope."

"No sir. Everything's been cleared up."

"Excellent!" He turned to Kate. "You know, Katie, you really should keep a closer check on your people. Incidents like that don't reflect well," he said quietly and with a grin, then added, slightly louder, "Aren't you going to introduce me to the rest of your team?">>

After introductions, September whispered to Newt who was seated next to her. "Where have I heard that name before?"

"That's Kate's ex-husband", Newt said trying to keep his voice low.

"What a piece of work", September whispered back.

"Excuse me and you are . . .", Paul Moran spoke clearly and precisely in September's direction.

"September Foster, sir", September responded unsure as to whether or not Moran heard her remark.

"Do you have a question Agent Foster?", Moran shot back. Calmly and coldly.

"Uh . . . yes, I was just curious as to how 15 women could become pregnant without the presence of sperm?"

"That is the million dollar question."

"According to the file, one of the women was surprised that they were pregnant because they hadn't been with anyone since the rape. Did any of these women have a strange incubation period?"

"I'm not sure that I follow you Agent Foster."

"Well, most women would know within a month or two that they were pregnant. There are obvious signs, but this last woman in the file seemed to be surprised. When was she raped?"

"That is something that you will have to find out during your investigation. All of the information necessary for Delta to start this case should be in the file." Paul spoke to the group enjoying the attention and authority that he possessed at this moment. His cell phone rang.

"Moran . . .", covering the mouthpiece, "excuse me I need to take this call.", Moran left the office, closing the door behind him. Delta could hear him talking in the hallway.

"No wonder you looked out of it this morning Kate", Flynn commented.

"Yeah he's a real piece of work. Good agent though. He can be difficult and he will try to intimidate you, don't let him. So you guys got any theories yet?", Kate asked, trying to maintain her demeanor.

"This person or thing obviously is not normal and if he's been a busy boy, women will be popping up pregnant all over the place", Dinah interjected.

"I just don't understand how it's possible to get pregnant without sperm? I remember my anatomy class very clearly and I don't remember learning anything about that", September said. "On the other hand, there are organisms in the ocean that act like hermaphrodites. Sea slugs actually possess functioning male and female reproductive organs."

"But the slugs actually transferred sperm to the female for reproduction", Sharlyn said.

"Yeah, but hermaphrodite slugs have the ability to be both . . male and female. What if this person has some sort of chemical in his body that doesn't look like sperm, doesn't test positive as sperm, but reacts exactly like sperm?

The group looked at September not knowing if she was serious or just hadn't had enough coffee that morning.

"Do you think I'm reaching?", she threw out to the group.

"A little . . ." Kate began to say as Moran walked back into the room.

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