[MD2, Hotel, 12:00 A.M.]

September sat straight up in the motel bed. She hated sleeping in beds other than her own because she could never get comfortable and to add insult to injury there was nothing good on t.v. It was too late to call home. Her husband was probably in his second chorus of snoring by now anyway. September turned off the lights and tried to mentally process the details of the case so far. Eventually, she fell asleep.

[MD2, Hotel, 7:45 A.M.]

Flynn picked her up at the room and they both went over to get Kate. Kate invited them inside and told September and Flynn about her conversation with Docker and the photograph that he sent to her.

>>Kate nodded, suddenly feeling much better. "So for the time being, we keep investigating, but officially we find nothing of value. If we come across any solid evidence, it does not go into any reports and Paul is not to be told about it. We'll need to keep a close eye on him. He may try to sabotage the investigation."<<

Kate gave out her instructions. Flynn was to go to the library and get information on the Lewandowski boy and try to find out some information about the photograph that Docker had provided.

"Then I guess we're stuck with Agent Moran huh. Sorry, stuck is not a good word", September said.

"No, you're right. We are stuck with him for the moment. But at least we'll be able to keep our eyes on him."

>>Guess we better go down to breakfast before they start wondering where we are."<<

September couldn't believe what Kate had just told her. Could it be possible that Agent Moran was trying to sabotage the investigation? Kate, September and Flynn met the group in the coffeshop who had already started to eat breakfast. Kate did her best to keep a pleasant demeanor to her appearance, although deep inside she probably wanted to strangle Paul Moran. September, Flynn and Kate all ordered breakfast. After everyone was finishing eating, Kate went over the agenda for the day. Newt and Sharlyn got up from the table, off to interview the doctors, Flynn was close behind them. Out of the corner of her eye, September could see Newt rubbing his leg, possibly limping a little. Maybe she kicked him a little to hard.

"I think we better get going. We've got a lot of ground to cover", Kate said, rising from the table.

"I'll join you guys later. I'll meet you back at the motel around noon", Paul said turning and walking away from the two agents.

"I wonder where he's going?", Kate said as September and her walked out the door of the cafe.

"Kate, this is going to be really hard for you. Let's go pickup the medical reports and we'll go from there."

"I don't know if I have the strength at this particular point in my life to deal with this crap."

"If you could survive being married to him, you can deal with being around him for a few days."

"I hope you're right. But if you see me going for my gun, stop me all right.", Kate said managing to crack a smile.

September just looked at Kate and shook her head. This was going to be interesting.

[Betsy's Burger Heaven, 12:45PM]

>>Kate and September sat at a table in the corner. September had in front of her the stack of medical reports that had been faxed to the field office and picked up a little while ago . . . But while Paul tended to the order, it gave her a chance to talk to September about the reports.<<

Kate concluded from the reports that these women were being used as an incubator for an already fertilized cell that the man was passing on to the women. DNA tests would possibly prove that the mothers weren't the biological mothers of the babies.

"Interesting. That could work and would rule out the absence of sperm problem that we couldn't figure out. If the cell was already fertilized . . . I think you stumbled on to something Kate."

September glanced around at Paul who was, for some strange reason, still ordering the food. When she looked back around she noticed a small change in Kate's appearance. September thought she actually saw a small grin coming from Kate's face. September turned back around and saw Paul approaching the table.

"Here he comes. How much do we tell hm?"

"Nothing", Kate said as Paul sat down at the table.

"Nothing? What nothing?"

"There was nothing in the medical reports to substantiate our claims for azoospermia", September said trying to change the subject fast.

"I knew that before we got the medical records", Paul stated taking a bite out of his hamburger..

"How would you know that?", Kate asked trying to sound surprised.

"I meant to say that I knew that the absence of sperm, although written in the medical records, wouldn't bring you any closer to the truth about what happened to these women."

"What do you think happened to these women?", Kate asked.

"That's your job", Paul said turning to look directly at Kate. He then looked up and stared at September, "And your job too Agent Foster."

"Excuse me sir, but I know exactly what my job is on this case." September looked up at Kate hoping she would recognize the look in her eye.

"Agent Foster why don't you go to the bathroom and cool off before you say something that you'll regret", Kate said unsure as to what September was getting ready to do, but trusted that she wouldn't fly off at the handle for no reason at all.

September excused herself from the table and headed straight toward the bathroom with her handbag in tow. September reached the bathroom and immediately called the doctor at the hospital.

"Dr. Quinones?"

"Yes? Who is this?"

"Dr. Quinones, this is Special Agent September Foster."

"Hello Agent Foster did you get the medical records that I sent to you?"

"Yes, I did. Thank you. However, I need your assistance on something else. It may take a bit of time."

"What is it?"

"I need DNA tests on the babies and I need them right away." September could hear the long sigh coming from the doctor on the other end of the phone.

"Okay. I'll get right on it."

"Oh, do me a favor and call me with the results. Do not send a fax or an e-mail."


"Thank you Dr. Quinones". September hung up the phone, tucked it away in her bag and walked back out trying to think of something to say to keep Agent Moran off their tracks. September walked up to the table and approached Agent Moran.

"Agent Moran, I apologize for my conduct. It will never happen again. This is a very difficult case and I didn't get any sleep last night and I'm a little edgy."

"No problem Agent Foster. But as you said, it will never happen again." Paul got up from the table and walked out to the car.

"I had them wrap up your food to go. I figured you probably needed to do something alone and that's why you blew up at Moran. I have to say I did enjoy the look of surprise on his face. No one talks to Paul in that tone of voice", Kate said trying to prevent a smile from forming on her face.

"My heart was beating a mile a minute. I thought he was going to deck me but I had to call Dr. Quinones to order the DNA tests. She's going to phone in the results ASAP. I just have to keep my phone on me at all times. Is he suspicious?"

"I don't think so. He thinks all women are moody so you're probably safe . . . for the moment."

September and Kate got up to leave when her cell phone rang.


"Agent Foster, this is Dr. Quinones."

"Dr. Quinones, could you hold for a moment?" September put the doctor on hold and leaned over to Kate.

"Kate, Moran is on his way back in and Dr. Quinones is on the phone. Can you distract him for a minute? I'm going back to the bathroom. September hurriedly walked back to the bathroom as Paul walked through the door.

"What's the hold-up?"

"Weak bladder. She'll be out in a minute. Let's go over these files in the car maybe we missed something." Kate and Paul walked out to the car and you could see through the window Kate attempting to draw Paul into a conversation. Kate was nervous that Paul was getting suspicious.

[Ladies Room - Betsy's Burger Heaven]

"I'm sorry Dr. Quinones, what can I do for you?"

"We're working on the DNA tests of the babies right now. However, something strange came up on one of the mother's chart."

"What was it?"

"Well, we put her name in the computer to see what tests were ordered and apparently someone has already ordered a DNA test on this particular infant."

"What were the results?"

"The result was that the mother wasn't the biological mother for that child."

"How is that possible?"

"I don't know."

"Do me a favor Dr. Quinones and do not repeat these findings to anyone else. Can you trust the lab tech that's doing the DNA tests on the other babies?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"I would appreciate it if you would treat this matter with the highest level of confidentiality. Can I trust that you won't repeat our conversation to anyone else?"

"Yes you have my word."

"Thank you." September hung up the phone and walked back outside and got in the car.

"Are you feeling better Agent Foster?"

Confused, September scrunched up her forehead and at first didn't answer. She started to answer Paul when Kate interjected.

"I'm sorry September, I told Paul about your weak bladder. I hope you don't mind."

"No, what's a weak bladder between friends anyway. Where are we going?"

"Back to the local office, I want to check my e-mail." Paul said.

Back at the office September watched as Paul walked into the back office and sat down at the computer. September and Kate right behind him.

"Kate, let's check the internet while we're here maybe we can find some more information on azoospermia." Paul grunted and sat down at the computer screen on his desk. Kate sat in the chair next to the desk September was sitting at. The computer screen was turned so that Kate could read the screen, but the back of the chair was facing Paul.

The azoospermia remark was a decoy. September began to type: DR. QUINONES TOLD ME THAT SOMEONE ALREADY ORDERED DNA TESTS ON ONE OF THE BABIES.

Kate mouthed, "Who?"


Kate mouthed, "When will the other tests be ready?"


Kate mouthed," We've got to find that out fast. I wonder if the others found anything out."


Kate mouthed, "Okay, I'll think of something."

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