[Miami Field Office, 6:10 PM]

>>Flynn nodded. "If you mean that he could be Kaleb Lewandowski's twin brother."

"That's what I mean," Kate said, flashing a smile at September. "Looks like you were right on target. Again. How are you doing with your search?"

Sharlyn sighed. "We've been all through the records. All but two of the victims had some prior experience with the police, mostly traffic tickets, things like that. But there's no one officer who had contact with all or even most of them. There was one, Detective Peter Narrin, who's had contact with three of the victims, but that's the best we could come up with."

>snip, snip

>>"Did you say Narrin," Kate asked, staring wide-eyed at Sharlyn. She knew she'd been distracted on this case, openly admitted it. But she didn't think she'd been so distracted that she could have let something so important slip her mind.

Sharlyn nodded.

"Does that name mean something to you," Flynn asked.

Kate nodded. "I talked to him earlier today,"she said. "He called about a man they'd picked up on that APB."<<

September removed her cell phone from her jacket pocket and called the Miami PD while the others looked on. "Hello? . . . Yes, may I speak with Detective Narrin, this is Agent Foster . .. well then can you tell me if the suspect that he brought in is still being held for questioning . . . I'm not asking for detailed information, just . . . thank you I understand . . . no, I don't want you to lose your job . . ." , September stood there looking at the others and shaking her head from side to side. She mouthed "This is ridiculous", then started speaking into the phone again. "Okay, do me a favor and inform Detective Narrin that we need to question the suspect and we will be there shortly . . . thank you." She turned off her cell phone and dropped the arm that was carrying the phone, letting it dangle at her side. She took a deep breath and let it back out.

"Cleansing breath?", Flynn asked.

"Yep, but it's not working. From what little I could gather over the telephone, the suspect is still there. However, Detective Narrin is busy so I told her we would come over and interrogate the suspect."

"Were you able to get the name of the suspect?", Kate asked.

"No I wasn't, but we'll find out soon enough."

Kate was standing confident, hands on hips, eyes focused. "Okay then, let's go. Sharlyn, I want you to keep an eye on Newt. He should still be there with Paul and the sketch artist".

"What do I tell them?", Sharlyn asked.

"The truth, that we're interrogating the witness. I don't want to leave Newt out of the loop so try to reassure him that we're all still a team with the same goal."

"Okay", Sharlyn replied.

"Won't that look like we're ganging up on him?", Flynn asked.

"No, it'll be okay. As long as we keep our heads. September, I did read your profile, so . . ."

"I know, I know. If I feel myself losing it, I'll just walk out."

"Good. Let's go."

[Miami P.D. 6:45p.m.]

Both vehicles were driven to the police department which took less than ½ hour to drive too. Outside in the parking lot was Paul's car.

"Well, at least we know Paul & Newt are still here," September said.

The agents stepped inside the police station and walked over to where one of the detectives was sitting behind the desk. Flashing her badge, Kate began, "Agent Calloway to see Detective Narrin".

"I'll get him for you . . . oh wait, here he comes.", the detective behind the desk replied.

Detective Narrin was walking around the corner and immediately noticed the agents. He started to walk up to them still wearing the remains of a powdery white substance around the corners of his mouth. September looked at him strangely, when Detective Narrin started to lick his lips.

Whispering, "I guess Detective Narrin was on another donut break", Flynn said while simultaneously being hit in the side by September and Kate's elbows.

"Detective Narrin, we called you ahead of time, but they couldn't find you so we decided to come right on over. We were wondering if it would be possible to interrogate the witness now", Kate asked.

"Sure, follow me." Detective Narrin led the way down a long hallway and around the corner. In the farthest corner was the room that held the suspect.

"By the way, what is the suspect's name?", September asked.

"Jack Sparks. If you need anything, just call me on this phone," he said pointing to the wall outside the interrogation room and walking back down the hallway.

"Jack Sparks? Isn't that the newspaper reporter?", September asked.

"Yeah, I think it is. Hmm . . . let's see what we can find out.", Kate said, opening the door and walking in, next was September and heading up the rear was Flynn. After what seemed like an hour, but actually was only 20 minutes of Jack Sparks vehemently denying being the rapist. The 3 agents left the room.

"What do you think?", Kate asked.

"I believe him. Don't ask me why, but I do. Ever since Sharlyn found Detective Narrin's name in the computer, something just doesn't sit right with this whole investigation."

"Well, we just can't go out there and arrest him for suspicion of rape," Flynn replied.

"No, but we could follow him when he gets off duty. Remember Docker said there's going to be another rape tonight."

"You think Narrin could be the rapist?," Kate asked.

"I don't know what to think, but it's worth checking out."

"Well, we all can't follow him, Paul, among others, would get suspicious", Kate said.

"September why don't you and Flynn follow Detective Narrin and I'll cover for both of you. I'll go find Sharlyn and try to keep Sparks here a little longer. Maybe another round in the box will get some information out of him. He may not be the rapist, but he may know something about the rapes".

"Okay, we'll meet you back at the hotel", Flynn said as Kate walked away.

"Hold on a second, I'm going to try to get some info from Narrin." September picked up the phone Detective Narrin told them to use if they needed to speak with him.

"Detective Narrin?", September asked. "Thank you for your assistance. We're going to take a little break. Agent Calloway is going to remain here and we're going to go back to the hotel to catch up on some paperwork. You sure have a long day . . . oh really, you are leaving soon. Well, I'm sure your wife will be happy . . . oh really . . . well, then you have a pleasant evening," September said smiling.

"He's leaving in an hour", September said as she and Flynn walked outside, got in the car and drove around the corner, turned the ignition off, dimmed the lights and waited. Eventually, Detective Narrin came out the precinct. It was difficult telling which officer was him and which car he would get into, but they found him and started to tail him. Detective Narrin pulled in front of a storefront business and parked his car. He just sat there staring at the front of the store. Even from where they were watching, it appeared that Narrin was writing down something. September and Flynn had parked the car and sat watching the curious behavior from Detective Narrin. Detective Narrin then suddenly put the car in gear and drove off.

"Do you think he saw us?," September asked.

"No, I don't think so. But what was he doing there. Just sitting there."

"Well, let's keep following him. When you get in front of where he was parked, slow down a little. I want to get the name of the company."

"Okay," Flynn said and started slowly driving in front of the store.

"Got it. It's "Tommi's Salon and Spa." September said as she and Flynn drove off, keeping a good distance behind Detective Narrin who was still in sight.

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