[in the car, 7:45PM]

Tonight. That thought continued to haunt Kate. If they were wrong about Narrin, another woman would be raped tonight, and although it wouldn’t exactly be her or the team’s fault, could she really say that she had done everything she could to prevent it? Well, yes and no. If there had been anything else she could have thought of, she would have done it, and the same was true for everyone else.

She glanced at Newt, looking slightly uncomfortable in the passenger’s seat of the car. There was a rift forming in the team. That was one of the things she had feared would happen working with Paul. For lack of anything better to say, she began to tell him what they had learned during while he had been at the police station.

"So you think Narrin is the rapist," Newt said when she was through speaking.

"I think he’s the best possibility we’ve got."

"From what you’ve said, he’s also the only possibility."

Kate nodded. It was something she’d known all along, but she felt better hearing it from someone else - just one more indication that this mission was playing havoc with her self-confidence. "Flynn and September are tailing him," she said, pulling out her cell phone. "Let’s see what our prime suspect is up to." Before she could dial the phone, it rang. "Calloway," she answered.

>"Kate, this is Sharlyn. I've found something at Dr.
>Hirsh's place. In his daily planner, for today's date,
>there's an address, 52 Escondido Drive, and a time,
>8:15 pm. There's also another notation.... PM
>checkmates PN, game over."
>[PN.... Peter Narrin.... PM...]
>"Paul Moran? He knew all this time?" Sharlyn
>whispered, the fact taking away her breath.
>"Hurry up." Docker said, from besides Sharlyn.
>"We don't have time, backup is probably on their
>[Who's that?]
>"It's Docker, we'll meet you at Escondido."
>[Be careful, Sharlyn. We'll see you there.]

Kate felt a chill. "52 Escondido Drive," she told Newt as she started dialing the phone again. "Find out what’s at that location."

[Foster,] September’s voice came over the line.

"It’s Kate. Where are you now?"

[Following Narrin. He seems to be driving around aimlessly. Something wrong.]

"Not yet. We have reason to believe that he’s head to 52 Escondido Drive. If you find yourselves in that neighborhood, call me back. Sharlyn and Docker will be meeting you there."

[Docker?] September asked, taken aback.

"Docker?" Newt exclaimed.

Kate sighed. The whole idea was distasteful to her, but what could she do about it? "You heard me," she said.

[Okay. I’ll let you know,] September said. The line went dead and Kate set the phone aside. A moment later, Newt did the same.

"It’s a residence," he said. "The owner is Thoma Casale. She owns a hair salon on Pomerado. I’ve got both numbers."


[52 Escondido Drive, 8:10PM]

Kate talked to Tommi Casale at her salon a few minutes before she was planning to go home for the night. Tommi’s assistant, Julienne, was there with her when Kate and Newt arrived. Kate already had a plan in mind - the best one she could come up with on short notice - and fortunately, she and Tommi were similar enough in size to pull it off. A black wig from Tommi’s stock completely the disguise.

Her phone rang as she pulled Tommi’s car into the driveway. She glanced up the street and saw Newt parked there in the rental car. "Calloway."

[September. Narrin’s headed your way.]

"Okay. I’ll be in the house. Give him about a minute, then follow him inside." The phone rang again before Kate could put it away. "Calloway."

>"Agent Calloway? This is Nurse Phillips at Dade
>County Memorial Hospital. I have a note here to
>tell you that an agent Robins is down and Agent
>Docker tried all he could to get her here."
>[Where is Agent Docker now?]
>"He was here a minute ago... but he's gone now."
>[I'm on my way. Thank you for the message.]

Kate took a deep breath to force down the panic and checked her watch. Narrin was in the neighborhood. If they didn’t get him now, they might not get another chance. "Okay," she muttered to herself, opening the car door, "let’s get this over with fast."

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