[in the car, 7:45PM]

>The line went dead and Kate set the phone aside. A moment later, Newt did the same.

>"It's a residence," he said. "The owner is Thoma Casale. She owns a hair salon on Pomerado. I've got both numbers."

Kate nodded and turned the car toward Pomerado.

Newt was silent for a few moments as they drove, but finally he couldn't take it any longer. "How can we trust Docker? Sharlyn could get hurt."

"We have little choice, and Sharlyn can take care of herself." Kate told him. "We've got to stop Narrin .."

"If he is the rapist."

"He's the best lead we have."

Newt nodded; she was right. Still it rankled him before and it rankled him even more now that she would follow a tip from Docker, but not trust Paul who had proven .. at least in Newt's eyes .. that he was on their side. They knew Docker was only out for himself.

[outside Tommi Casale's house, 8:37pm]

Newt sat in the rental car, waiting patiently. This was very dangerous, but it was their best option. The girl was out of harm's way and Kate was a trained agent. Everything should go as planned. IF .. and it was a big if .. Docker didn't blow in and ruin everything.

He thought seriously about calling Paul. After all he should be included in this. If they brought down the rapist, Paul should know about it.

He pulled his cell phone out and hit the power button, gratified to hear the device beep and then light up. He dialed quickly and put the phone to his ear.


"Paul," Newt whispered, "It's Newt."

*Where are you , Newt?*

"We're taking Narrin down tonight." Newt told him. He looked back to see fog lights flash behind him. It had to be September and Flynn. He quickly gave Paul the address before shutting off the phone and throwing it to the passenger seat.

Newt climbed out of the car and Flynn motioned him to the back of the small Florida home. Lot's of patios .. and windows. Great for staking out a victim, Newt thought ruefully. He ducked around to the back; careful on the stone patio that surrounded the home's pool so as not to slip and fall.

He watched through the windows and could see movement, and heard someone yell, 'Freeze!'. It sounded like September and he rushed to the back door. To his surprise, the door pushed open and he found himself nearly face to face with Narrin. The man frowned and spun back into the house, blocking the door before Newt could stop him.

"Damn!" Newt muttered as he pushed his full weight against the door to no avail.

Newt sped around the house to a side door he'd seen and rushed in nearly colliding into Flynn as he rushed in the same direction. A gun fired and they barely met eyes before racing toward the back of the house. Kate joined them on the way and the three agents stepped into the enclosed patio room where September stood holding a dazed and handcuffed Peter Narrin.


>"I guess we'll take him along with us", Kate said pointing at Narrin, "he needs medical treatment anyway. Newt you and Flynn meet us at the hospital. Call the station and have them arrange for a detective to meet you there. We'll handle the paperwork later. We'll meet you in ICU."

"We'll take 'em," a deep sure voice said, startling the four agents, who turned to see Paul Moran standing there with several uniformed police officers.

"Paul?" Kate said, the surprise clear in her voice. Newt felt relief as he smiled at the senior agent.

"Good job, Agent Callaway." Paul continued as he looked at Kate. "You've caught your man, we'll take over from her, while you go see to your injured team member."

"He's our prisoner!" Flynn frowned.

"And he needs medical attention," September insisted.

"Oh he'll get it, I assure you," Paul said smoothly, "But this is after all a police matter now. You've done your jobs. You should be proud of yourselves."

Newt was beaming. Yes they had done a good job here! And they'd done it as a team.

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