[MD 4, 2:00PM, Newt's Apartment]

Newt had come home and dropped exhausted onto his couch. It wasn't the most beautiful thing .. he'd picked it up used from the lady just above him. She been in the process of moving it out, but was having trouble with the stairs, so for 25 bucks, she'd left it with Newt. She said she'd never liked the thing anyway, It had been her husbands favorite spot in their home, but now she was kicking his sorry ass out anyway!

Good fortune for Newt, though he decided she'd told him far more about her life then he'd ever want to know .. And the couch was very comfortable .. he could easily see why it was the old man's favorite.

He hadn't been home long when the phone rang, startling him with it's sound. He sat up and grabbed his glasses off the end table. He slipped them on and reached over to pick of the phone.


"Samuel! I can't believe you're home!"


"I've been calling you for three days! I was about to call the police and have them start looking for a body."

"I was working, mom."

"And no time to spare a call for your mother? Honestly, dear you need to get an answering machine or something, so you at least know I called. Maybe for Christmas .. Oh just forget I said that now, okay."

"Yes, mom .." Newt said an endearing smile coming to his face.

"So what have you been up to that prevents you from calling your mother .. and from being home when I call? Really Samuel .. you shouldn't stay out to all hours of the night. You'll wear yourself out, son."

"I was working, mom. We were out of town."

"Out of town? Oooh that sounds exciting! Anything exciting happen?"

Newt thought for a moment, "No .. pretty boring stuff, mom. So how's dad?"

Newt settled back into the couch as he diverted his mothers attention away from him. It wasn't like he could tell her what had been really going on. Plane crashes .. fires .. arrests! No, she wasn't happy about his job as it was. He certainly wasn't going to give her any fuel for that fire.

And if the subject came up again .. which knowing his mother, it would .. he had four brothers and sisters to ask about. By the time he ran through them all, it would be too late for questions ..

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