The Webring

Okay guyz and girlz, here is some info from me, ringmaster (or mistress whatever) of the Luke Skywalker & Mark Hamill Webring.
I started this webring because I found it very hard to find good Luke & (or) Mark sites on the internet. It takes a lot of time to find them and when you found them...your dad kicks you of the comp (in my case). That's why I (Lucy) wanted to provide you an easy way to find good sites on our fave topic: Luke Skywalker & (OR) Mark Hamill.
Anyone with a site on either Luke Skywalker, either Mark Hamill OR both can join in.
This ring doesn't have much members yet, but it'll get there.
Okay, here's an example of what you'll get on your page when you join the ring:

This Luke Skywalker & Mark Hamill Webring site is owned by Lucy Skywalker.

Want to join the Luke Skywalker & Mark Hamill Webring?

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Of course one could change the colors if you really want to.
Anywayz...when you fill out the form on the 'Join' page, you'll get an e-mail with the right HTML codes and of course you should save the image on your comp and put it on your page. (Don't really know how to explain this *pulling hair out of anger*)
You'll get a site ID and DON'T FORGET YOUR PASSWORD!!!!!!!!

Um...what else is there to say???????
Well, I hope you want to join the ring and have lots of fun!