June 22, 2007

Review: The Incredible Hulk, issue #107 and World War Hulk #1

Pak, Frank for #107 and David, Rio, and Weeks for #1

3 out of 4 stars (both). Homecoming is a good thing for some family members.

The Hulk is back! To Earth! To being an interesting read! Buy these two issues! Why? Because we have Marvel Universe characters acting like Marvel Universe characters, and some, like the Hulk, pushing the limits of the Hulk we know already. I say "pushing the limits" -- but that is not the same thing as overextension. The Hulk is madder than ever. More of a jerk than ever. But it seems right. We understand the changes taking place in Hulk (after all, we read 12+ issues of Planet Hulk -- they were these to set up this change). Not unlike other characters (can I mention Spider-Man, Iron Man, Reed Richards?). So, although we get our rage-filled green giant, there is something different about his Hulk smashing this time. The reactions of the characters around him (those that want to help and those that want to stop him, or, those that don't care: Namor) all send us the signal: this is the Marvel Universe we know! Thank you Hulk for bringing back the MU so you can destroy it!

I should say that not a lot happens in these issues. Yes, Hulk fights Iron Man (WWH#1). Yes, Hulk fights Hercules (IH #107). Yes, we are reminded that Amadeus Cho (and his pet wolf cub?) is (are?) the seventh smartest person on Earth. In fact, one problem with the books is that you have flashbacks taking place (still the Planet Hulk flashbacks, c'mon people) -- sometimes just from the WWH comic book that came out a week ago. Give me a flashback that reminds me of a event from 3-4 comics back, but not 1/2 a comic back.

Another thing to note about these comics. What's happening is that the truly big action is happening in World War Hulk. Hulk versus Iron Man! Incredible Hulk just gives us supporting cast members that only Hulkophiles care about (sorry Hercules, you're not major enough to make it into WWH). I'm not sure that is a bad thing: the obvious goal Marvel has is to make sure all Marvel customers buy the World War Hulk book at the very least. Then they'll know what impact Hulk is having on the Marvel Universe. It also gives the reader the impression that Hulk's impact is so big, he's practically abandoned his own title. I'm not sure this is a great thing, but it's not too jarring.

I haven't decided if I am going to pick up the various spinoff issues like the Hulk/X-Men cross-over. Hulk/Ghost Rider crossover? They are kidding, right? But WWH and IH this month are great. The story arc shows a lot of promise. 3 out of 4 stars.

--Jon Holt