Some of my pals making a spectacle of themselves!! ;-)

This is me not totally gone, but not that very sober either. The bare tummy is excused because I had a sore back....

We are celebrating autumn eating all sorts of things coming from the sea... There are two hands on the left. They belong to Jensan and Garion. Then there is Wren, Warrakkk, Me , Hierokliff, another hand (belonging to Nirvald) and Elvine...

More of them partyanimals....

Left to right, Yoda, Warrakkk, Vanheden, Hierokliff, Jeoann (barely visible) and Ambyr.. eh no Melamabar.. hmm Yeah anyway.. someone...

This partyanimal wanted his name to be left out, but anyone who was there could tell you if ya desperately wants to know.

He found some lovely jewelry in my backyard later on that night. ;-)

This contest is one of many!!

The winner is still unknown to me but please take notice of the two hands on the on the right.... ;-)

Last but not least.

Elvine's having a ball (I think). This is one of the few moments we could have her standing still long enough so we could take this picture...

She sings most beautifully (along with me I must say ;-) )

The day after...

Most of us are here but some managed to escape early...

Some have slight difficulty standing straight ;-)

Follow this torch through the paths back to the center.