Twilight Ghosts Scene II

ONCE MORE THE SCENE IS LIFTED FROM THE DARK. We the audience are brought back to where we had been just a few hours past. Now as the hours have tolled by the Doctor and his devilish little pixie Erica have been amusing themselves by watching Richard Renfield do that with which he does best; eat the flesh of the living. Years ago Renfield traveled to the Andorran Consulate. He was a successful businessman and his family had recently come into the possession of a fairly large estate which would later be known to avid UWA fans as the Konclave. However, to keep the location of this particular purchase a secret the Doctor imprisoned Renfield here in the cellar. Although it wasn't necessary he tortured him purely for his own amusement. No other minion has suffered as harshly as Renfield. A year of torture have made him barely human and he is nothing more now than a roving carnivore capable of horrible English... but that hardly matters right now to the dead butler now laying on top of the table he had last been seen next to. The chewing sounds cease...

Erica, "I think he's finishing up..."

Renfield pulls back his face. It is masked in blood and a collection of small intestines hang from his mouth which he sucks in as if he were enjoying a spaghetti dinner complete with marinara sauce. Satisfied with the kill he has now gorged himself. His stomach which had lain empty for weeks now protrude from his skeletal form... it was a good meal.

Doc Placebo, "I've waited long enough, it's time to address the fly in my web..."

Opening the doorway light cascades into the dimly lit cellar and a gorged Renfield scuttles into the darkness using two feet & a hand, his freehand holds a chunk of human liver for later tonight. Silhouetted by the influx of light from the twisting staircase Placebo & Erica look like paper cut outs as they stride forward into the cellar, the scent of death hits them like a hammer. Erica takes a cattle prod from the wall. She isn't afraid of pain, but a girl's gotta keep her figure... literally... when you're only a few feet from a cannibal. The pair stride towards the table where the dead butler now lay.

Doc Placebo, "He was hungry tonight..."

Peering closer to what had been a human body Erica nods in agreement. The butler's entire chest cavity has been eaten away by Renfield. The body is sprawled out on the table in a puddle of

Erica, "Just... a bit."

Slamming her cattle prod down into the chest cavity of the dead man.


Erica chuckles as she sends electrical current throughout the deceased body and delights in the fact her attack causes several limbs to move after death. During the butler's post-death throes a tiny thread of flesh which held his head attached to his partially consumed body snaps sending the cranium tumbling towards the floor and into Placebo's waiting hands. Erica shoves the dead body off of the table which you now see to be a torture rack as there are several manacles attacked to either end of the table meant to restrain a human form. Sitting down on the rack the Doctor and Erica cradle the severed head lovingly as if it were their child. Flakes of chicken still stick to his deceased face. Remnants of the slave's last meal.

Doc Placebo, "Ahh... this Minion... I knew him Erica. As did you... Fly. I know you can hear me."

Erica, "Yes... UWA may have lost its television deal but the Doctor still has access to II Media's funding."

Doc Placebo, "Indeed."

Doc Placebo, "You know I saw your previous promotion that you ran. Just like this little guy did."

Placebo holds up the severed head just a little bit and situates it on his lap differently so that it would not leak any further blood onto his attire. Erica pokes at the severed head a few times while she speaks to it in a baby voice.

Erica, "Oh yes you did! Didn't you little Minion? You saw the promo! Yes you did!"

The head continues to leak blood onto the Doctor's pants so he passes it over to Erica as if he were holding a baby that had just made a mess in his diaper. She takes the appendage with a little bit of disgust.

Erica, "...somebody made a mess..."

Doc Placebo, "And even he knew what it meant Fly... didn't he."

In baby voice.

Erica, "Yes you did, I was sooo proud of you too!"

Doc Placebo, "As was I... because this Minion realized that YOU are still under my control."

Doc Placebo, "Do you remember when we first met Insect? I defeated you for my first title in 2003. It was a match for the UWA Television Title. Just another match for you, but it was the beginning of a career for me."

Doc Placebo, "I won the match and soon after was accepted into the Kovenant by Eric Masterson, Judas Auslander, Kevin Cosmos, and The Alpha Sin; Natas."

Doc Placebo, "Time past and eventually so did those that brought me into their midst. The Kovenant fell under my leadership... and in an act of boredom I decided to put my Hardcore Title up for grabs against anyone who would offer my one of their loved ones in exchange for a shot at my belt."

Doc Placebo, "I won your life, you became a Minion that day... and you have inadvertently never left that role."

Erica, "No you didn't!"

Erica hugs the severed head close to her as she whispers loving coos into it's ear as a mother would a newborn babe.

Doc Placebo, "Consider it... every title you have won has benefited me. Benefited the Koven. MY KOVENANT has prospered because of your efforts."

Doc Placebo, "Even when I took things from you... you did not leave... Becky anyone?"

Doc Placebo, "Heh... and then there was that last promo..."

Doc Placebo, "Where you mused about defiling your title before Erica could possibly get her tongue onto that belt to defile it herself..."

Doc Placebo, "Your not free, your simply following in my footsteps."

Doc Placebo, "Everything you are is a shadow of ME!"

Doc Placebo, "Every time your in that ring you 'break the chain' but you fail to notice that you walk through life with more chains than the ghost of Jacob Marely!"

Doc Placebo, "I tell you this now because it is time that you became aware of this as you face me..."

Doc Placebo, "Tomorrow I will take that title from you, I will do this because I must. For too long Europe has been represented by members of the United States! Tomorrow a European shall represent the United States! The tables shall be turned and you will meet...

...your Master."

The scene begins to fade away as Erica continues to whisper sweet loving things the dead head in her lap. She picks through the butler's hair removing pieces of meat, torn flesh, and clots of blood and continues to tend to the dead thing after the scene closes into the darkness from whence it came. In the dark just before the scene ends you can hear Erica whispering to the head to say goodnight to the fans.
