The Kovenant: Doc Placebo
“The Minion War: Part 2”

Once again your eyes are immersed in a slightly familiar room. The only objects in this room that you can identify are a metallic chair and a black and white security monitor. The room’s faint lighting is soothing in some primitive sense to your mind as you notice a shadow bathed in the faint light of the security monitor. The figure slides through the darkened room coming to a rest in the metallic chair overlooking the lone black and white security screen. The camera angle zooms in on the shoulder of the man sitting in the chair providing you with an over the shoulder view of the monitor and its faintly glowing light. With a quick motion of his hand the figure manipulates a number of controls on the arm of the chair causing the security camera to flip through a series of images providing the viewer with a cursory glace of the recent events within the hospital. You see scenes of a Phalanx of Minions falling pray to a vicious attack by disguised Maggots using children as clubs. “A few pawns down… now its time for my knights.” The voice halts as the screen switches once again revealing the cancer ward and his opponent making an appearance on the game board, “What have we here?”. The camera zooms in on the Trinatas shell as he begins speaking yet you hear no audio, “This is a problem easily fixed.” The man still basking in the shallow light and the darkened shadows produces a small remote control with two buttons on it. Extending its antennae and pressing a button your ears now hear a static like sound in the background and new voices…

Natas, “Then they shall be free to go… to the morgue. Don’t tell me how. Surprise me.”

Several Maggots rise up with the command of Natas and wielding sharpened bones garnered from severed Minion limbs begin to fatally wound those that serve Placebo. The figure in the metallic chair shakes his head and rises from his chair. A voice calls out but it is not his nor does it come from any of the surveillance bugs that Placebo had placed inside the captured Maggots for intelligence gathering purposes.

“Your not thinking of going out there are you?”

Doc Placebo, “I must, it is time this King met his rival King after all.”

“Then I’m coming too!”

“That would be unwise, although in this game I have made you the Queen you have not been endowed with the power of your chess namesake. Those pawns died like any good pawn should to open up the field of battle. This isn’t the end, it’s the beginning.”

The scene switches back to the cancer ward where Nickolas Globe, the Red Scare of the Trinatas shell is in command. Nickolas is basking in the carnage of several mutilated Minions as they convulse violently in their death.

Nickolas Globe, “…It is wonderful. So wonderful, I feel the need even more to distribute the message, the so-called propaganda, via bruises on X-Kal. His body will be a sacrifice equivalent to the whipping in “Passion”, the dominatrix porno. Not the Mel Gibson flick.”

Signaled by the waning of the screams of fallen pawns the ventilation ducts above and around the room are instantly kicked in as more minions and one Doc Placebo dressed entirely in white drop into the cancer ward. Placebo and Trinatas stare at each other while the Minions and Maggots do the same awaiting a command from their respective Kings. Placebo breaks the stare covering his eyes as do all of his minions as Placebo tosses several metallic spherical objects to the ground that explode with blinding light! Flash bangs! Placebo unveils his eyes and nods to his Minions who begin the attack on the blind Maggots.

One Minion whose arms have been covered in some type of adhesive substance which he then used to stick various sharp office supplies to such as thumb tacks and twisted paper clips begins to slash at one Maggot causing vicious gashes in his skin to split open and reveal the creature’s crimson blood. Two minions have latched onto another Maggot who is still wielding a sharpened tibula stained with the blood of a fallen pawn. One Minion sink their teeth into the Maggot’s neck drawing a stream of blood showering in the Minions face while the slave to Placebo eagerly drinks from the hemoglobin stream reveling in his kill. The second Minion has grasped the Maggot’s face and torn off one of its eye lids with his teeth and now lunges back at the bloodied eye digging for the retina.

Placebo stands back bearing witness to his true gambit while piece after piece falls to his Knights. With their sight returned to them two Maggots rush at Placebo who in turn swats them away with a swift series of Kendo Stick attacks. One of the Maggots flies backward into the waiting arms of a Minion guarding Placebo while the remaining Maggot falls to his knees before the Doctor who breaks the Kendo stick across the left shoulder of the Maggot. Kicking the Maggot onto his back with his foot Placebo uses the splintered broken hilt of the Kendo Stick to stab into the upper leg of the Maggot that had attacked him. The Maggot produces a scream of pain as Placebo stands above his victim and looks around the bloodied cancer ward for the other King.

Placebo spots him choke slamming a Minion into a pile of the mutilated dead minion bodies. One of the mutilated Minions stirs as the body collides with his bleeding form and opens his eyes. Catching a glimpse at his master a smile forms on his face and he falls into an eternal sleep. Looking down at the hurting Maggot at his feet Placebo smiles…

“Almost all the Maggots here are dead… but your King has turned his attention away from me… why don’t you scream out to him, your King? Will you do this for me? I'd appreciate it.”

“I don’t listen to you!”

“But you will still be an object of my will slave, today you are a Thrall of Placebo.”

Placing his foot over the neck of the Maggot so as he could not escape the Kovenant member looks about the room in a final glance. The Minion who had begun slicing apart one of the Maggots with the office supplies glued to his hand has left the Maggot maimed in a pile of his own gore. He has since moved on and taking a page from Natas’ book and feeding the intestines of his first victim to another Maggot forcing the Maggot to eat the dead body of his comrade in order to continue breathing. Placebo looks back at the Maggot under his boot.

“Call to him.”


“Your master”


“You will call to him, the Carnal Sin, Natas… CALL TO HIM!”

“I will not accept defeat!”

Placebo, the white King smiles at the Maggot under his foot as he moves his foot from the neck to the suffering leg where Placebo had implanted the broken hilt of his kendo stick. “Call to him”, “I cannot betray him”, “We’ll see.” The Doctor pushes the kendo stick into the leg of the Maggot with his boot making sure to move it about rending the muscle as much as possible. Squirming in agony the Maggot bites into his lip forcing himself not to scream, Blood forms around his mouth as his teeth break through the flesh. Placebo pushes the hilt further into the leg of the Maggot and he begins to shudder in pain as his leg tries to move away from the Doctor’s care. Still however the Maggot would not scream… Placebo moves his boot and kicks at the side of the broken Kendo Stick… again… and again he kicks at it sending the piece of wood further into the upper leg of the Maggot until the hilt breaks off leaving a piece of the stick still imbedded in the maggots body. Quaking in a mess of blood and saliva the Maggot still holds his tongue but Placebo performs and AXE KICK directly to the wounded leg sending the Maggot reeling into a level of depravity unknown to him, Placebo screams, “Call to him! CALL TO THE BLACK KING TRINATAS!” And he does, the Maggot unleashes a wail of agony calling for his master. Blood and spit fly into the air while he calls for his master…


The Scene fades to darkness…
