Larry Marder

Larry Marder is the creator of Tales of the Beanworld, perhaps the greatest comic of the modern age.

NEWS - BEANWORLD BOOK FOUR, collecting #12-#16 of the series, is now available

I was the editor of the very infrequent Beanworld newsletter Gunk'l'dunk. If you'd like to get it in your e-mailbox if I ever start it up again (unlikely unless there's new Beanworld stuff published), e-mail me at bob heer 70 @@ hotmail. com.

Here are plain text versions of the five issues of Gunk'l'dunk I did. I do plan to eventually do full-blown HTML versions....

Gunk'l'dunk v2#1 - Mar 6 1995
Gunk'l'dunk v2#2 - Mar 17 1996
Gunk'l'dunk v2#3 - Apr 22 1996
Gunk'l'dunk v2#4 - Nov 2 1996
Gunk'l'dunk v2#5 - Mar 12 1998

For those looking for them, the current Beanworld collections in print are:
Book 1 - Collects TotB 1-4 - ISBN 1-887245-00-6
Book 2 - Collects TotB 5-7 - ISBN 1-887245-01-4
Book 3 - Collects TotB 8-11 - ISBN 1-887245-02-2

For more on Beanworld, including issues of Gunk'l'dunk from before my time, check out the following website:
Mark Iron's Beanweb

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