Hi My name is Robert.
I am a 31 year old male from Walkerville, Montana.
I am 6'6" tall with brown hair and blue eyes.

My interests are:
Fantasy and Sci-Fi books, and just about any types of music.

This is a page of music files, come see what I got.

This is a picture of my truck, as of about 1994.

This is a picture of my truck, as of October 13, 2000.

Come back and see me sometime.
Hopefully I'll be updating and changing this page all the time.

This is a page of pictures of me and my friends!

I also have a link to my images page, it is always being added to. Visit it HERE!

Or you can me at biffowolf@hotmail.com
Or at silverdragonrider@yahoo.com

Or if you have ICQ, my number is 5615928. If you don't have ICQ but you want it, Go here

Sign the damn guestbook!

Why don't you look at the damn thing too!

Take a look at the old one too!