

James is a fat mother fucker. He eats butter steak. That's a slab of steak, fried in butter. He is known for saying, "No, you're wrong. Actually . . ." and so on. He even once declared that if the temperature outside was below freezing, you would die instantly. This is because your blood freezes and forms little ice crystals in your circulatory system. He's a moron.


Kristen is a lying bitch. She says she's from Jersey. She says she has 1 1/2 lungs because of cancer. She says she's black/white color blind. She claims to have multiple personalities. One of these personalities thinks she's a six year old vampire, another herself at 35 yrs old, etc. She only really has an inferiority complex. Needs the attention. I don't like liars.


I don't know John's last name. He's an idiot. He cheated on his girlfriend (a buddy of mine) with her best friend. This broke her heart, and if you've read my Stuff I Hate page you know I hate broken hearts. More importantly, he threw away the best thing he has ever and will have ever had in his life.


There are lots of people I don't like. Many of them I will not list. I may think they're shitheads, but some of people on my Friends page call them friends, or even lovers. I hope not to offend my friends, so I will not list them here. Others believe that I am their friend. I just don't have the balls to say "Fuck off!"