Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

      What is Kramer's Full Name?

      Cosmo Kramer
      Who is the Character George Based on?

      Larry David is the co-creator of the show on whom the character of George is loosely based.
      Who is the Character Kramer Based on?

      Kramer is based on Larry David's cross-hall neighbor, who is an author(I think) and slightly eccentric. But not as eccentric as Kramer.
      How does one spell Bobbka? As in the cake that Jerry and Elaine were trying to buy for the party?

      It's "babka." No doubt you've heard of the famous dessert baba au rhum; this is a variation on that. The -ka is a diminutive suffix in Russian (and probably other Slavic languages).
      Where does Kramer get all of his money?

      Underwear commercials, falls ass backwards into money according to george He won $18,000 at the track, supposedly buys his apartment, and no longer rents it. He also invented the Coffee Table book.
      Where is Mr. Pitts building?Where is this exterior located?

      This building lies on the northeast corner of West End Avenue and 91st Street (NY's Upper Westside)
      What is Frank Costanza's move?

      Stop short....(This is accomplished by slaming on the brakes of a car, and reaching over and holding the passanger in the chest region so they don't fly forward)
      What is Jerry's move with a counter clockwise swirl?

      Unknown? We find out in the episode that a headboard is required, the girl can not be taller than you, and it includes a counter clockwise swirl. Jerry says that he would trade his move any day for a good mechanic
      What is George's move?

      Unknown. We know it includes a "knuckle" at the end. This is not suppose to be a very good move
      What were Kramer's Pasta Sculptures?

      Jerry made out of fussilli pasta because he is silly. Kramer talks about making George out of Ravioli-why?? because he is full of something. Macaroni Midler--Kramer's second creation
      What kind of bicycle hang's in Jerry's apartment?

      I would love to have his KLEIN bicycle when he gets rid of it.Michael Richards suggested it for the set, since he is somewhat of a cyclist. I'm not sure if he chose the model (a Klien) but a bit of trivia about the change: once the show became so popular, Cannondale gave every cast member a Cannondale as part of an agreement to have one of their bikes on the wall. It stayed there a while, but was _stolen_ from the set. Now the Klien is back. Also, in at least one season, the bike was assembled wrong: the fork points the wrong way. It stayed that way for a long time.
      What was the name of that girl that Jerry couldn't remember her name?-The one that rhymes with a female body part?

      It was never mentioned in the credits (She was listed as mystery Woman), but it was assumed to be Deloris.
      In the 05/11 episode of Seinfeld, was George's girlfriend the same actress who appears in those MCI commercials?

      Yes, it was! Also, did you notice that the place where the funeral was held was the Riverside-Grammercy Chapels? Nice touch, I thought! Katy Selverstone
      If George was a porn star, what would his chosen name be?

      Buck Naked

Some Trivia

  •Episodes in which Jerry's apartment isn't shown: "The Parking Garage", "The Chinese Restaurant", "The Pen", "The Subway", "The Limo", "The Movie", "The Airport" •Episodes in which Jerry's apartment isn't shown for long ;-): "The Heart Attack", "The Trip (Part I)" •Jerry has stated many times that he'll only do the show for five years, then call it quits since he doesn't need the money and he'd like the show to be remembered as a gem, not a lumbering dinosaur.
  •Both Michael Richards and Jerry are "wedded to yoga"
  •The Reverend Donald Wildmon and the American Family Association has called for an advertiser's boycott of "Seinfeld". Apparently, the latest repeat of "The Contest" triggered this stupidity.
  •Michael Richards will be hosting the Comedy Gala on July 30th in Montreal at the Theatre Saint-Denis during the International Just For Laughs Festival (tickets are sold out).
  •In the season finale (1993), the following past characters are seen watching Jerry's pilot show: The woman Jerry dated with the "fake" boobs, Salman Rushdie, Newman (who was actually asleep with a Yankees game on, Morty and Helen Seinfeld, Ping and his cousin that George dated, The Bubble Boy and his parents, The Drake and Drakette.
  •Peggy, the buxom waitress who served the four at the end of "The Pilot" was played by Samantha Dorman, who was in "Playboy", September, 1991.
  •Apparently, if you send a blank tape, list of required episodes and a postage paid envelope to:
  4024 Radford Avenue Bldg 5 - Suite 204
  Studio City, CA 91604

  Then you supposedly get the episodes returned on the tape. I have never tried this and take no responsibility if this does not work.
  •The space pens (as seen in "The Pen") are available at Sharper Image for $19.99