Croatian Cross Search

Croatian search engine


A very good search starting point...

Alta Vista

Another search engine...


A search engine for MP3-s...

Another search engine 4 MP3-s...


Search engine 4 hacks, cracks, serials and mp3s...


An on-line mail client, very good...FREE


Another on-line mail...FREE


Manage your own mailing list!...FREE

Yahoo mail

Anther on-line mail client...FREE


I seek you my friend....FREE


Monopolisti, kapitalisti, pljackasi, ISP, NOT FREE

IBM Hrvatska

Ovi su bolji, ISP

BBM d.o.o

Najbolji, ISP

Games Domain

Get all the newest demo releases here....


Hacks, Cracks, Phreak, Scripts, Serials, EVERYTHING!

Happy Puppy com

Cracks, cheats, solutions and walkthroughs for games..

360 degrees 3D

Monster 3d? patches? info? games? come here...


Main site for skins and MP3 info...

Internet MONITOR

Croatian news-zine...very good...

Bug Online

Our best computer magazine...

Our not so very good comp. magazine.......................................

Cyberdream base.....

A weekly newszine informer...great design...............................

Afrodita Homepage

My girlfriends homepage...

Pitt Homepage

Pitts homepage is dedicated to #croatias lamer action and
their stupidity...the latest story is the one about SIR (a
popular hack/war program :)

Buco Homepage

Pictures from our gatherings at HRC, also things which
Buco likes...


Duke 3D league...come and join, not many members yet...

Incanus Homepage

Get a load of this design...VERY good fantasy web page...

Edgars Homepage

Get a load of some more fantasy stuff, GURPS and AD&D

Andrews Lore Vault

Get another load of fantasy...AD&D


Croatian leauge of games players...


Croatian computer shop (expensive!) cheeze page :)

Tarmak-c Homepage


Sonic Homepage

Sonics LINUX and stuff....

Mrki Homepage


MeWphIsT Homepage

Seems like a Starcraft page, yes, it is a clan...good design!!

Maverick Homepage

The city of Rijeka, music, Milla Jovovich and other stuff...

7th Sphere

Get some of the best irc scripts and texts on hacking etc.

Winamp Homepage

Everything about winamp, including new versions...

Wing Commander Prophecy

See how a really good web-page looks like!

Play Starcraft or Diablo here....


Interent Gaming Zone, free, fast, and Microsoft...


Play games on the net !!!! excellent


Cool, use your microphone to talk to others, play games...
Hacker.................................... A popular magazine dedicated to PC (mostly PC) games.........
Wrbex Homepage N/A
Bibor Homepage N/A
DedaMraz Homepage N/A
Goodie Homepage Titanic (seen it 15 times+), women, motorbikes etc.
Glock Homepage Glock perfection page about guns and ammo...
Intercepto Homepage Graphics designer of some stature...come and see this ART!
LeFool Homepage Something about him and his family
Virtualna Stvarnost A local Croatian radio....dealing with the net...
GURPS SJ.s GURPS homepage...
TSR T$R--maker of AD&D...
Wizards of the coast Buyers of T$R--makers of Magic the Gathering...
SFerakon Croatian SF&F annual gathering!!
Futura Croatian one and only SF&F ... er what?
Sucky to Savvy
An excellent web-page to read...VERY interesting, how to
make a good web-page is the topic of this one, VERY GOOD
3DFX.COM Need more 3D acc. information and patches 4 games?
.ONIRIKE MP3 PAGE Everything about MP3-s, come and see...
GURPS WEB RING All web sites featuring GURPS are here....
WIN95 archive Updates for your Windows...patches and info...
Warforge An excellent starting point for ircWAR lamers...