Get your much needed software here.

Winamp 1.9
A player for .mp3 files...self executable...  
MP3 files are a new hit on the net since they give you CD quality music at a VERY high compression ratio...Its like compressing 72 mb .wav file into a 3 mb .mp3 file with NO loss in quality. It works on a very simple principle; human ear can not hear a mouse fart while an elephant is trampling why even  bother using the mouse      
Version 1.8 allows you to use skins, that means change how the players GUI looks like...get sample skins from Winamp homepage... 
    230kb in size


Internet chat (using microphones-optional) and on-line games.  
Takes you to and downloads all needed files.  
362 kb in size  

ICQ 98

This is a small but VERY usefull program which lets you keep track of your friends across the net; it will show you when they are on-line, and will give you instant options like: message, e-mail, visit home page, chat, play a game etc.  
Every user gets an UIN (User Identification Number) not forget it. My UIN is 959015 . 
1.7 mb in size

KALI 95 1.4
Currently the best online gaming software, play your favourite games with other people across the world. Play DUKE3D, DESCENT, XVT, C&C etc.  
2.2 mb in size

Vocaltec IPHONE
The best software for audio-visual conferencing...supported by ICQ, microphone is a must have to use this program.  
8.8 mb in size

mIRC 5.3
The best IRC program for ircWAR and scripting...very easy to everywhere with everyone...  
880 kb in size

Real Audio & Video

Real Player 5.0  
You will most certainly need this software since I will include some multimedia in .ra format on this web-page. This soft will allow you to watch and listen to all kinds of video and audio using your internet connection...even our HRT transmits radio and video in this format.  

GetRight v3.02
This one brings a smile on my face every time I use it...It allows you to continue downloading something where you left off...imagine you want to d/l a very big soft...d/l 50% today and continue tomorrow WHERE YOU LEFT OFF...also makes most of connection speed. I can not live without this one here  :)))    
677 kb in size

Registration code 4 L3ENC (used to make your own .mp3)


Registration 4 KALI 95  
Serial = d5d8df169891  
Skey = 66f6435620a1  
Tkey = 159021014955  
Serial = 54379c160668  
Skey = 32cb1d016429  
Tkey = 065327323758

MP3 Compressor

A small program in visual basic, lets you easily encode your .wav files into .mp3 files. L3enc needed. 
MP3 PRODUCER is the best encoder out there at the moment...if you find it..please let me know. 
2 mb in size

Direct X NEWEST drivers

Needed 4 most new games, esp. if you have a 3D acc. video card like MONSTER3D... 
??? in size

Glide drivers 4 3DFX

Glide drivers...much better than DIRECT3D drivers. 
??? in size


Needed 2 view newer web pages (because of the new effects etc.) 
??? in size

Brojac Impulsa

A Croatian software product: Calculates how much money you spend ONLINE

Very Small



You just CANT live without this one in the times of MP3 leeching and uploading web-pages


Finally a fully operational crack (v1.4+), just unpack it and try it on for for sure...

Adobe Acrobat Reader


You will need this one to view the GURPS lite rules included in GURPS section...

ACDSEE picture viewer


And you will need this one to browse through the pictures in my gallery with great ease..........

CDDA newest audio-track ripper


Ripp those audio tracks off your audio CD-s and store them into MP3 format (which is FAR better)..............



Telnet done better

ConSeal PC


A local Firewall, bye bye flooding...



ActiveX (older)

I am NOT responsible 4 your use of these here should BUY a copy of your own if you like this software. If you notice that some link does not work any more...tell me about it: