X-Men: Trek Wars
by Ben Church
     Trek: Paramount.  Wars: Lucasfilm.  X: Marvel.

Chapter 14

     "Shields up." Namok ordered.  "Arm all weapons.  Open hailing
     Cindel complied thinking; "I hope Picard doesn't mind that Namok
stole his line."
     "This is Captain Namok of the New Republic vessel, Supership. 
You are trespassing in New Republic space, and are under suspicion of
conspiracy against the Citizens of the New Republic.  You are ordered 
to surrender yourselves and your ships, or be destroyed."

     "We'll just see who destroys who." Admiral Pyne sneered. 
"Launch all tie fighter squadrons and move to intercept that ship.  
Fire at will when you are within range."

     "Oh look," thought Namok as the Tie fighters and Interceptors
swarmed towards his ship.  "Mosquitoes."
     "Doma, target the fighters and head for the closest Destroyer. 
Let's take 'em out."
     The Supership moved surprisingly swiftly for a ship of it's size. 
 It picked off the slower Ties and began to fire on the nearest Star

     "Rogue Leader, this is Rogue two.  Somehow I don't think this is a
hit and run!"
     "What was your first clue Two?" Wedge asked.  "Now cut
the chatter and- BY THE FORCE!"  Wedge could not believe what he had
just seen exit hyperspace.  A Death Star.  "As if the entire Second
Imperium fleet weren't enough, they've got a new ally and a new Death
     "They're powering up their primary weapon!" Rogue three
     "By the force no." Wedge murmured.
     The tremendous burst of energy streaked towards the planet,
promising the death of billions in a single stroke.  But instead it hit
something, or rather someone else.

     Gladiator grunted as he was assailed by the blast.  The impact
sent him careening through the planet's atmosphere.
     Just then the combined forces of the Federation, Shi'ar and New
Republic arrived.
     "It's a good thing he flew on ahead." Cybo thought.  He opened
his comm line.  "Gladiator's out of it for awhile, I'm gonna take out 
that space station, but I need someone who's experienced with 
infiltration and destruction."
     "We can take out that weapon." Picard said.
     "Negative Enterprise, take out that fleet."

     "What was that?" Grand Moff Maki demanded.
     "I don't know sir, it showed up just before the other ships came
out of hyperspace."
     "How long before we can fire again?"
     "20 minutes sir."

     Deep within the battle station, a shimmering appeared.  The
X-Men, Imperial Guard, and Anhalla Starbore appeared.
     "Let's do some damage." Cybo said.

     "Docking procedures complete." the trooper said.
     "Excellent." Brakiss said.  He had had the Shadow Academy dock
with the Death Star III.  "Now then, let's see what we can do about these 
intruders shall we?"

     Lowie was awake.  Tenel Ka, Jacen and Jaina were still
unconscious, but they were humans.  Apparently their captors had not
known how much of a dosage of sedative to give him.  He carefully
opened his eyes and gazed around the room.  There was a single guard
outside the cell.  He gave a quiet inquiry to Em Teedee.
     "Oh thank goodness you're awake Lowbacca." Em said quietly.  "I
was beginning to fear that you would never awaken."
     Lowie decided to take a gamble.  He stood up.  The guard noticed
immediately and stood, but Lowie thrust out with the force and hurled 
him against the wall, knocking him out.  "Uncle Chewie is lucky." he 
thought.  "He doesn't have to worry about losing his temper."

     The Starjammer rocked with the blows they were receiving. 
"Return their fire!" Corsair yelled.
     "We cannot!" Hepzibah replied.  "They have cloaked!"

     Sela smiled coldly.  "We'll destroy this ship in no time."
     "Commander!  We are uncloaking!"
     "What?"  She heard a high pitched giggle behind her.  She turned
and found a small green evil looking creature standing on one of the

     It was not long before the others were awake.  Jaina, the most
technical minded of the group joined forces with Lowie to find the 
control that disengaged the forcefield.  Once free, they saw to Lando.
     "I'm all right." he said.  "We've got to find Skip and get out of 
     Suddenly, Jacen sensed a familiar presence.  He soon found
Gizmo, emerging from a ventilation shaft.
     *We must hurry!* Gizmo said telepathically.  *I've struck a deal
with the Gremlins, but I don't know how long they will honor it.*

     "Mr. Worf, report!"  The bridge trembled slightly as another round
of blaster fire hit it.
     "The fighters are doing minimal damage to our shields." Worf said.
 "But our targeting scanners are unable to lock on to them."
     "Never mind the fighters Mr. Worf, lock phasers and Torpedoes at
the nearest Star Destroyer."
     "Aye sir.  Phasers and Torpedoes locked."
     The phasers and photon torpedoes impacted on the shields of the
Star Destroyer.
     "Minor damage done to the shields captain." Data replied.

     "Fire the ion cannon!" ordered the commander of the Star
Destroyer.  The ship rocked as another wave hit it.

     The bridge shook slightly.  "Data what was that?" Picard asked.
     "They fired some sort of ion beam at us captain, but our circuitry
is vastly different than anything they are familiar with.  It had no 
effect on our systems."  Suddenly the  ship shook violently.  "I 
believe they are now using more conventional weaponry captain."
     "Thank you Mr. Data.  Continue firing Mr. Worf."
     Riker observed the sheer number of guns firing at them.  "They
out gun us Captain."
     "I concur Number One.  And if we just stood here and shot at
them, they would most likely win.  But as I'm sure Mr. Data can 
confirm, I believe we are faster."
     "They have demonstrated limited maneuvering capability Captain."
     "Excellent Mr. Data.  Picard to engineering."
     "LaForge here Captain."
     "Geordie, I want full warp power on my mark."
     "No problem Captain, the engines can handle it."
     "Good.  Mr. Data, proceed with the Picard maneuver, with a little
twist.  Can their shields stop our transporters?"
     "No captain."

	"Maintain fire on the Federation Ship." Commander Main ordered.
	"Aye sir-"  The gunner broke off in amazement as the ship suddenly 
vanished from their targeting scopes.
	"What just-" Commander Main got out before the Enterprise reappeared 
on the other side of their ship.
	"Sir!  They appear to have beamed something onto deck twelve!"
	The ship rocked with explosion after explosion.  "What was that?" 
Main asked.
	"They beamed a torpedo to deck twelve!" someone shouted 
	"Clever Captain." Main muttered with grudging admiration.

     "Status of the rest of the ships?" the Vizier asked.
     "We are successfully routing the vessel we are currently
engaging.  The one man fighters known as Rogue squadron are holding
their own, as are the rest of the fleet.  The greatest threat remains 
that battle station."
     "And with the combined forces of the Imperial Guard and the
X-Men aboard, that won't remain a threat long."

     "Just to be sure I have this right," Mentor said.  "You want us to
run interference while you and Ms. Starbore find the self destruct
mechanism for this station."
     "That about covers it yes." Cybo said.
     "I ask you to remember Guardsman Cybo," Mentor reproached
him.  "That in the absence of Gladiator, I am in charge of the Guard."
     Cybo looked sheepish.  "My apologies Mentor.  You are correct of
course.  Forgive me for overstepping my bounds."
     "It is of no matter, your plan has merit, and it shall be done.  
Good luck in completing your mission." Mentor had a sudden thought.  
"Cybo, find a terminal and try to locate the Empress and the other 
     Wolverine listened quietly to the conversation between Mentor
and Cybo.  Ever since he'd met the newest Guardsman, something about
his scent had nagged at him.  "That's impossible." Wolverine thought, 
only half believing it.  "I was at his funeral, I saw him buried!"
     "I found 'em!" Cybo cried.  The Empress and Oracle are being held
in Cell Block 4-23-5.  The X-Men and the Federation personnel are being
held in 10-5-1."  Cybo quickly rattled off the directions.
     "Let's move people!" Cyclops ordered.  Wolverine cast one more
wondering glance back at Cybo before leaving.

     "Hello Luke." a familiar voice said.
     "Q." Luke greeted him.  Luke had been feeling rather useless. 
With Chewie and Han to pilot, and Ackbar and Leia to man the quad
guns, he didn't have much to do.  He wished he was out in his X-Wing
with Rogue squadron.  "Where have you been?"
     "Oh here and there." Q smiled.  "Mostly there."
     "Why are you here Q?" Luke asked calmly.
     "Oh I'm here to give you something to do and make this whole
thing a lot more complicated."  Q snapped his fingers.

     Data suddenly found himself aboard the Death Star with C-3PO
and Geordi.
     Cybo and Anhalla found themselves confronting a squad of
invading Stormtroopers and Romulans in the Imperial Palace.  Cybo was
without his armor.
     Luke found himself facing a distraught young girl.

To be continued...

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