X-Men: Trek Wars
by Ben Church
     Legal bullshit, yadda yadda yadda.  You know who these guys
belong to.

Chapter 15
     Picard leapt angrily from his seat as Data vanished.  "Q!"
     "What?" Q's disembodied voice asked.  "It was getting boring."
     "Captain!" Worf said.  "The Death Star is powering up their
primary weapon!"
     Just then, the ship shook with yet another blast from the
     "Shields down to forty percent!"
     "Status of the Destroyer?"  
     "They have sustained massive damage on multiple decks from the
torpedo's we have been beaming to their ship, but their guns are all 
over their ship."
     The ship shook once again.  "It seems they've caught on to the
Picard maneuver.  Mr. Worf has the computer managed to find their
     "No not- yes!"
     "Very well, Number one would you kindly take an away team and
take their ship?"
     "With pleasure captain."

     "Their shields are weakening!" the gunner cried.
     "Excellent!  Keep at it."
     "I don't think so." Riker said as he and several security 
personnel beamed onto the bridge.  Riker ducked a blaster rifle shot, 
but the security man to his left was not so lucky.  Riker dove to the 
floor, and stunned the Commander of the ship.  "That should take the 
fight out of them." he thought.
     "Kill them!" the head Stormtrooper said.
     "Well, then again, maybe not." he thought.  "Find some cover!" he
shouted.  Another phaser blast took out one of the weapons consoles.

     "Uh, okay.  This is bad." Cybo said.  Before him was a large
contingent of Stormtroopers and Romulans.  "Not to worry, I'm sure I 
can dodge their shots.  After all, why else the did the Shar give me
cybernetic implants?"
     "To make you a better speedball player?" Anhalla asked.  She held
a gun in each of her twelve hands, so they were not lacking in
     "What's speedball?"
     "When this is over, I'll teach you how to play."
     "It's a date.  Now let's go find a more defensible position."  
They took off running down the corridor, with the enemy in hot pursuit.
     "Set your weapons on stun." Tamith Kai ordered.  "I want them
alive!"  She sensed that both of them were strong in the force.
     Many Troopers and Romulans fell before the sudden onslaught of
laser fire.  Cybo and Anhalla had met up with the Imperial Palace's 
internal security forces and were now helping them bring down the 
     "Enough of this!" Tamith Kai shouted.  She released Dark Force
Lightning at the defenders, bringing many of them down.  Cybo and
Starbore remained standing however and kept on firing.  Another blast 
of lightning shot towards Anhalla.
     "Look out!" Cybo shouted.  He slammed into her from the side,
knocking her out of the way.  The lightning coursed through his body, 
his every nerve exploding with pain.  "Oh no, not again." he thought 
just before he blacked out.

     "Data," Geordie asked.  "Where are we?"
     "I do not know Geordie.  I have never been here before.  C-3PO,
perhaps you have an idea?"
     "Indeed I do sir." Threepio replied.  "I'm afraid we are on board 
the Death Star."
     "The Death Star?" Geordie said.  "What the hell are we doing on
the Death Star?"  Geordie tapped his communicator.  "Laforge to
Enterprise, can you read me?"
     "We're barely receiving....orge.  Where......you?"
     "We're on board the Death Star."
     "Mr. Laforge, ......primary weapon....wering up."
     "What was that?" Geordie asked.  "Enterprise, I'm not reading
     "I believe he said that the primary weapon is powering up."
Threepio said.  "Oh dear, Coruscant!"
     "What is this weapon capable of?" Geordie asked.
     "The Death Star's primary weapon is capable of destroying entire
     Data spotted a terminal in a room off to their right.  "I believe 
we may be able to stop it." he said.

     "Intriguing," Data said, looking at the text on the computer 
screen.  "The spoken language of Standard is almost identical to the 
language commonly spoken in the Federation.  But this text is not known 
by my universal translator."
     "Perhaps I may be of some assistance." Threepio said.  "I am
fluent in over six million forms of communication and am programmed
with my own universal translator.  However I cannot process information
at the speed that you are capable of.  Perhaps working in concert we
can shut down the Death Star's primary weapon."

     "Who are you?" Jubilee asked.  Her eyes were red-rimmed with
the sobbing that she had been doing.  She had killed her friends and 
she had allowed herself to tricked by Brakiss, and by Q into thinking 
that Hotshot was alive.  She knew now that he had been lying.  After
escaping from the testing room, she had been visited by Q.
     "Oh dear, it seems your boyfriend is dead after all." he had said. 
  "Oh his body is still functioning, but I'm afraid his memory is gone. 
 I apologize for tricking you like that my dear, but it really was 
interesting to see your reaction."
     Luke could feel the despair emanating from Jubilee, but
fortunately the rage and anger were gone.  The dark side had taken a
brief hold on her, but despair was easier to dispel than anger.
     "My name is Luke Skywalker.  I am like you Jubilee.  I too have
power that not everyone understands.  I too have been hunted for what I
am.  I know you have no reason to trust me, but I am here to help you
Jubilee."  Through the force, Luke sensed the source of her despair, 
and he also sensed some good news.
     "Your friends are alive Jubilee." he said.  "And the other X-Men
are here to rescue all of you."

     Two more Storm troopers fell before Flash Fire's blasts.  "This is
too easy Mentor!"
     "Indeed." agreed Nightside.  "This is hardly a challenge fit for 
the guard."
     "It would seem that these men are unused to battling super
powered individuals." Mentor said.
     "I think we have reached our destination." Commando said.
     "So we have." Mentor observed.  "Quake, open the door if you
     "Certainly."  The corridor shook as he activated his power and
shook the door to pieces.  The guards inside were already shaken by the
impromptu earthquake and fell quickly to the combined onslaught of 
Flash Fire and Electron.
     Flash Fire looked at the long line of cells.  "As long as we're 
here, we might as well free some other prisoners as well."

     "The guard reports that they have found the Empress and
Oracle!" the Comm officer shouted triumphantly.
     "Excellent!" the Vizier said, relieved.  "Beam them back here and
keep looking for Gladiator."
     "Yes sir."  The ship shook slightly.
     "Sir, two Romulan Warbirds have joined forces with the Destroyer 
that we are engaging."
     "Divert more power to the shields and send out our fighters."
     "Yes sir."

     The Tie fighter and Intercepter communication lines were buzzing
with chatter.
     "What is this thing?"
     "It's too fast I can't get a lock!"
     "I can't shake it!"
     Even on automatic pilot, the Galactic was deadly.

     Gladiator awoke on the surface of Coruscant.  "That was a
mighty weapon indeed," he thought.  "To bring me down."  He stood, and
heard a low growl behind him.  The turned and found a large canine
creature pouncing at him.  He caught it and threw it to the side.  
"I've no time for this I must rejoin the battle."  With that, he leapt 
into the air.

     "The rest of the fleet is still firing on us." Doma said.
     "All their fighters gone, and two Destroyers terminated." Namok
thought.  "And us with barely a scratch.  I am so glad we stole the 
plans for this ship before the Empire could use it."

     "Which way is the shuttle bay?" Jacen thought.
     Lando spotted a Romulan ahead of them and tackled him.  The
lights suddenly shut off.  It was a full two minutes before the 
emergency lighting kicked in.
     *We don't have much time.* Gizmo thought to Jacen.  *We must
get of this ship and destroy it before the Gremlins can get off.*
     "Fine, but first we have to find the bay."
     "This is a fact." Tenel Ka said.
     "How about it?" Lando asked.  "You gonna tell us?"
     "It would be logical to do so since I am on your side." the 
Romulan said.
     "Logic?" Skip said.  "These Romulans didn't seem at all logical to
     "Indeed." the Romulan said.  "Allow me to introduce myself.  My
name is Spial.  I am part of a movement that wishes to reunite the
Romulans with our distant cousins the Vulcans.  The Vulcans are a race
that believes that logic is the key to self improvement.  Not emotion."
     "Ah.  Aha."
     "Now quickly, we must go."
     Before they had gone far however, they met two Romulan
guards.  Tenel Ka leapt over Skip's head, and kicked one guard in the
     "She fights like an angry Klingon!" the second guard thought just
before he was brought down by Skip.
     When they reached the bay, Spial opened a shuttle and ushered
them inside.
     "Hey Tenel Ka," Jacen said.
     "Yes Jacen?" she asked.
     "Ask me if I'm an Ewok."
     Puzzled, she never the less asked him.  "Are you an Ewok?"
     Skip immediately began to laugh uproariously.  "Ha!  That's a good
one kid!"
     Soon they were on their way.

     "How you doing Admiral?" Han asked over the comm.
     "Just fine General." Ackbar said.  "There are still a lot of 
fighters out there, but they're being given a lot of targets besides 
us."  Ackbar broke off as another wave headed towards them.  "There's 
at least three coming up top Highness."
     "I see them Admiral." Leia said.
     The Falcon cruised smoothly around the space battle ground,
engaging the tie fighters with the help of Rogue squadron, The Phoenix,
The Galactic and the Shi'ar fighters.
     Beside Han, Chewie bellowed.
     "I see them Chewie.  Hold on back there Artoo, we're gonna do
some fancy maneuvering, the Romulans have just launched a fighter."
     Suddenly the communication system crackled.
     "Han old buddy!  Boy am I glad to see you, you old pirate!"
     "Lando!  What the hell are you doing in a Romulan fighter?"
     "It's a long story Han, can you keep these fighters off our backs
long enough for us to get clear?"
     "No sweat Lando, how're the kids?"
     "We're okay dad." Jaina's voice said.
     "Dad, you've got to destroy the ship we just escaped from,
there's a very dangerous lifeform aboard!" Jacen said.
     "I'll bring it someone's attention, but the Falcon doesn't have 
those kind of guns!"

     "Watch it, they're coming again!" Twilo Manar, first mate of the
Phoenix cried.
     Wannako growled.
     "Keep them behind us?" Twilo said.  "You got it."
     From the comm, came a series of beeps and whistles.
     "Well fix it!  We're too busy to worry about it right now!"
     R2-D9 gave the astromech droid equivalent of a shrug and
extended his multi-tool.
     Suddenly, Wannako turned the ship so quickly that he caught the
pursuing Tie's completely by surprise.  The front mounted laser cannon
blasted them from space.

     "You've got one on your tail Two!" Wedge cried.
     "I know Leader, but I can't shake him!"
     "Where's your wing man?  Five where are you?"
     "I've got him!" Rogue five cried, rising behind the tie pursuing 
his wingman and quickly destroying him.
     "Good work Five, but next time don't scare us like that."
Wedge said.

     The little green creatures were everywhere.  Security had been
alerted, but they were stuck in the corridors.  The turbo lifts were 
either stuck or death traps.  Engineering was a total loss.  Sela knew 
that the creatures could not be allowed to get off the ship.  
Fortunately, they had not gotten to the self destruct mechanism.  She 
calmly set the timer for 3 seconds and promptly felt the effects of a 
Romulan transporter beam.
     "Welcome to my ship Commander." Tomaluk said.  Sela watched
as her ship destroyed itself.
     "My thanks Commander." she said.  "I don't know about you, but
I'd say that this mission was a failure."
     "I agree." Tomaluk said.  "High command will no doubt be pleased
that we came to this conclusion before more ships were lost.  Let us
leave this place."
     One by one, the Romulan ships cloaked, and retreated.

     Duty in the cell block was dull in normal circumstances.  But
during a battle, the chief guard punched up the comm system, and the
troopers and guards entertained themselves by listening to the voices 
of the pilots.
     The quiet block was broken by the sound of blaster fire from
outside.  "What the hell?" the Chief Guard asked.

     Bishop absorbed the blasts of the Stormtroopers and blasted
them with their own shots.  Beast and Wolverine took out the rest.
     "All right people." Cyclops said.  "We've reached our destination. 
"I'll grant us access, Rogue, you secure the entrance.  Storm, Iceman,
you provide cover.  All right, let's do it!"
     Cyclops blasted the door from it's frame, startling the guards
inside.  Rogue flew in the hole it left behind, blaster fire hitting 
her dead on but doing no damage.  She grabbed two guard's guns and 
crushed them.
     Storm blew the guards down the corridor and Iceman iced over
the sentry guns.
     "Remy!" Rogue ripped each and every door open until she found
her friends.  Gambit, ArcAngel and Psylocke were the worse for wear,
but otherwise fine.  Likewise, Deanna and Lawaxana Troi.
     "Good work people." Cyclops said.  "Now lets get out of-"
     "You're not done yet!" Q cried from the intercom.  "You've still 
got one more team mate to rescue."
     "Jubilee." Wolverine said.  "I can smell 'er on the cajun and the
others.  She's here somewhere."
     "Good boy!" Q said, a dog biscuit appearing on Wolverine's nose. 
"Now go fetch!"

     "The ship's gone!" Cho'od cried.
     "Fortunately for us, my friend." Raza said.  "Now let us deal with
yon fighters."
     "My thoughts exactly." Corsair said.

To be continued...

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