The Omniverse Project is the universe I've created by combining several universes into one. And it's ever expanding. But here you will find the Universe as it exists so far.

I want this universe to grow! Want to help? E-mail me!

The combined Universes:
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
The X-Files
Nightmare On Elm St.
Highlander The Series
The Last Vampire by Christopher Pike
Star Trek
The Tomorrow People
The King and Raven by Carey James
Hercules and Xena
My Best Friend Is A Vampire
Back To The Future
Brisco County Jr.
The World of Darkness (Original Version)
The West Wing
Pirates of the Caribbean
Star Wars
Scooby Doo
Friday The 13th
Johnny The Homicidal Maniac

The Stories:
Pan- Xena and Gabrielle fall under the spell of the first Satyr, Pan!
Forty Days in the Desert- Tut meets a celebrity while on a trip to the holy land!
GOOD friday?- Tut witnesses the crucifixion.
Celebrity Status by Travis Bell (Brisco County/Back To The Future)- Someone claiming to be Wyatt Earp is commiting robberies. Brisco want's to find out who, and why! Based on the crossover idea in Ben's Crazy Crossovers List!
X-Men of Tomorrow (X-Men/Tomorrow People/X-Files)- The X-Men are missing and it's up to Hotshot and his friends to find them! Can they find them before Gyrich does? Chapter 1/7, Chapter 2/7, Chapter 3/7, Chapter 4/7, Chapter 5/7, Chapter 6/7, Chapter 7/7
The Old Ones(Buffy The Vampire Slayer/X-Files)-Mulder and Scully head to Sunnydale California to investigate the strange goings on. Buffy and friends make a new friend. Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3.
The Bad Man Cometh (Buffy/Nigthmare on Elm St.)- In this sequal to The Old Ones, Alice seeks refuge from Freddy Krueger, in the Hellmouth!
The Boy King- Connor MacLeod meets the Immortal who taught Ramirez. He's not quite what he'd expected!
The Hunter- A mysterious stranger could spell trouble for the Slayer.
Not Dead- Guess who didn't die after all in The Bad Man Cometh?
Welcome to the Hellmouth Oz- Oz moves in.
The Last Vampire(Highlander/Last Vampire)- Tut is reunited with a very old flame at college!
Haunted Hayride- Sort of a crossover, but I won't tell you with what. The Sunnydale Drama Club puts on a Haunted House on the Halloween of Ethan's infamous spell.
Unsinkable (Highlander/Last Vampire/King and Raven)- James Cameron's Masterpiece brings old memories, and old friends back to Tut.
Special Guest Star- I'll let this one be a surprise.
Bewitched, Bothered, Bewildered: Martin- Martin reacts to the events in BBB.
Who Wants To Live Forever? (Buffy/Highlander/The Last Vampire)- Buffy learns that there's more than one kind of Immortal when Jack The Ripper takes up residence in Sunnydale! Chapter 1/5, Chapter 2/5, Chapter 3/5, Chapter 4/5, Chapter 5/5
Sunnydale High School Drama Presents- Buffy and the Slayerettes are forced to paricipate in the school Musical. Wackiness enusues! Co-Starring your's truly! Part 1/9, Part 2/9, Part 3/9, Part 4/9, Part 5/9, Part 6/9, Part 7/9, Part 8/9, Part 9/9
There's No Business Like Show Business-(Highlander/Last Vampire) Tut survives the grueling world of Hollywood! Can he find the time to fight an angry Immortal out for revenge?
Don't Panic- Oz rushes to Willow's side in her time of need.
Escape From Limbo- Exactly what it sounds like! Starring Colin The Annointed, Impada the Inca Mummy Girl, Eyegon, Angel, Spike, Drucilla and more!
A Time To Mourn- Buffy has a comforting dream after Becoming.
How I Survived My Summer Vacation- (Buffy/Friday The 13th/Predator/Scooby Doo) Three stories in one! While Buffy tries to start a new life in the Nevada Desert, Xander, Willow and Oz find themselves corralled into the CIT program at Camp Crystal Lake. Meanwhile Giles meets some unusual detectives while searching for his wayward Slayer.
Do You Take This Vampire? (Highlander/Last Vampire/Xena/Roar/King and Raven)- Tut and Sita get hitched! Part 1/2, Part 2/2
What Ever Happened Too...?: After 20 years, Buffy returns to Sunnydale, with no memory of where she's been.
Anne: Allies- Two otherworldly crime fighters are drawn into the same conflict as Buffy during the 3rd season premier!
How I Won My First Battle- Young Immortal Sean is dragged into the game!
Would Someone Please Kill Kenny?- Kenny's back and has set his sights for Sean's head!
My Roomate is a Vampire-(Highlander/My Best Friend is a Vampire) Sean makes an interesting discovery about his roomate.
Return of the Crazy Neighbor Man: (Buffy/Johnny The Homicidal Maniac) Xander's greatest childhood fear returns. But is he back for good or ill?
Homecoming: The Drama Club- The Sunnydale Drama Club derives much amusement from Cordelia's, and Buffy's campaigning.
You're Kidding Right?- Faith and Giles head for the east coast to investigate rumours of a Male Slayer!
Gingerbread: Micky- Micky Keeler reacts to the events in Gingerbread.
The Prom- Joe has returned to Sunnydale for the prom. Can he keep his depression at bay long enough to have a good time?
Graduation Day: Backup- Buffy calls in the reserves to help her fight the mayor. Part 1, Part 2
Angel: Party- Cordy meets more familiar faces than Angel's at her first Hollywood party.
Angel's Christmas Carol- Angel is distancing himself from everyone around him again after Doyle's death. Can't have that can we.
Forces of Light, Forces of Darkness- (Buffy/Star Wars) Someone, or something is hunting Sunnydale citizens who have magical affinity.
Buffy/Angel September 11th, 2001- Where were YOU when the world stopped turning?
Identity Crisis- A Vampire waxes philosophic.
A Pirate 200 Years Too Late- (Buffy The Vampire Slayer/Pirates of the Caribbean) A spell intended to allow the Slayers to commune with their predecessors has unexpected consequences for Xander.
Counseling- Xander has a very serious conversation with his parents.
Bad News On The Doorstep- Cordelia is dead, but far from forgotten. One by one, her friends and enemies speak at her funeral.
Fragments Fred is gone. Her soul consumed by Ilyria. Stuck in one fragment of her life, Ms. Burkle has plenty of time to relax.
One Life to Give The Circle of the Black Thorn is Dead, the offices of Wolfram and Hart are in ruins. And a small band of heroes faces off against an entire army of Demons.
Funeral for an Angel In the Aftermath of Angel's Final battle, the Slayer and her friends take stock of what they've lost.
Heroes- After nearly being killed in a natural disaster, Buffy reflects on the nature of heroes.
Now Sit Right Back And You'll Hear A Tale (Buffy/Lost) While returning from a recruiting mission to Korea, Robin Wood boards the ill-fated Oceanic Flight 815.
Carpe Noctem(Buffy/Alias with guests from X-Files and the World of Darkness) A mysterious organization called the Watchers is recruiting young women. Sloan and the APO want to know why. Four Chapters.
Carpe Noctem: Interogation (Buffy/Alias with guests from Hellboy) Spike is in CIA custody, and Weiss and Vaughn investigate a possible connection to the Watchers.
Carpe Noctem: Extraction (Buffy/Alias/X-Men/Harry Potter/Hellboy/World of Darkness) The saga continues as the Black Ops team Carpe Noctem embarks on a dangerous extraction mission, meanwhile the APO races to reach a former SD6 sleeper agent before the forces of Darkness do.
First Born- Some things are meant to be, and not even death can stop them. On Xander's wedding night, Anya returns to make sure.
Firefly: Scary Stories- In an alternate universe, the crew of Serenity tell each other ghost stories to pass the time while traveling through a desolate region of space.
Little House on the Prairie: (Buffy/Highlander/Firefly) Everyone on the Serenity seem to have something to hide. Except Kaylee. Or DOES she? This crossover may reveal the answer.
Voyager: A Most Interesting Development- Seven Of Nine recruits an Immortal crew member to keep the Borg from assimilating Willow Rosenburg.

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