
1) You must have a page!  Yes, premade unless I state otherwise.
2) It must link back to
3) The page must have appropriate material on it as well as the rest of your pages.  Porn, swearing, violence, or vulgarity of any kind is not permitted.
4) All stages must be posted within a week of being sent.  Extentions will be granted if you email me and ask for one.  Do not assume I will know you need one as I am not a mind-reader.
5) Pages must have more than "I hope to adopt a Lizquini from here" and that's it.
6) The page must be water based!  An aquatic creature cannot live in the mountains or in the forest.
7) Do not sign the book if you are clearly told not to.  I will ban those who do not listen for the rest of this adoptions exisitance.  Repeat offenders will never adopt from any of my agencies EVER.
8) Do not edit my graphics.  That means no resizing, no flipping, no cropping, no tampering, etc.  I will allow you to thumbnail a pic if you are using it to link to the Lizquini real page, such as on a single's list.
9) DO NOT BUG ME ABOUT GROWTH STAGES! This is my biggest pet peeve.  If you ask me about this, your Lizquini will not grow for a long time.

Ready to sign the forms?  Good!


Sign the register


All graphics are (c) to me, Raychelle Noel a.k.a JadeEye.  I made the background and buttons myself.  Do not take unless you email me for permission.