
Once there was a girl who had a little tattoo, right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good she was very very good, and when she was bad she got outlawed.

Well that was strange, wasn't it folks? Although, in essence, that's what happened. This episode was interesting. I didn't really like it though. I liked when Daniel shot all the baby Goa'ulds. That was kinda funny. Sure it gave nice insight into the inner workings of his mind and all, but DAMN did those Goa'ulds make a big mess!

That was even stranger. I don't know where these things are coming from or what they're doing here but they scare me. Hmmmm...maybe I have split personalities. One is sarcastic and lazy and the other is peppy and happy, and the other is just plain weird. Shut up, no you don't! Yes I do! YOU shut up! No, you! No, you! Hello everyone how are you doing? Shut up! Yeah, listen to him! Well you don't need to get nasty! Yes we do. Sure thing. Shut up! GO AWAY!!!!

What relevance that last paragraph had I don't know! Oh well. I guess seeing life as a Jaffa was of some importance in the show. I can't say Teal'C is my favourite character, though, so maybe that's why I'm not so partial to this episode. Well, like I said before, I don't have too much of an opinion on this episode. Therefore you get a very short review. SORRY!!!