
This is certainly an interesting episode (and how many aren't?). It has a subtle 'History will repeat itself' lesion (Trojan Horse), a black hole, pretty yellow Racal Decon Suits, and, best of all, a big bomb that goes BOOOM!!!

Of course, we never actually get to see the bomb go boom. Which is probably for the best. After all (whether or not this was planned), this was the last episode before the LOOOOOOOONG re-run season. And can you really except them to go "Oh yeah! We've been watching a helluva lot of Monty Python lately so for the last episode before the re-runs we're taking this cute little innocent girl who did absoultly nothing, implanting a bomb in her chest, and blowing her up. See you in three months !!" How many viewers would they have gotten then? (besides the sadists and pyromaniacs). So, from that viewpoint, I'm glad Cassie didn't blow up. It makes it very predictable, I know. But still. Blowing Cassie up would have messed with our entire universe. And not just in the good way either. People would have been disgusted. A lot would have been put off the show, and the show was (and maybe even still is) too new to take that risk.

I guess Carter's motherly intuition was okay. Although it really went against the 'I'm a solider. I'm strong. I can fire a gun so ha ha ha' persona the writers created for Carter in such episodes such as Children of the Gods or Emancipation . Since this episode, though, I think they've fallen into step with consistancies for Carter. So that's nice.

A couple other things I liked about this episode:

Finally! Jack has some sort of scienctific knowledge. Of course, it came to be only because he was trying to look into the neighbour's house, but hey! Beggars can't be choosers!

Racal suits! Yaaaay! Pretty yellow! Oooh. Designer colours. Perfect for the Holiday Season. Fun for the whole family.