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ISB Operations

This site is for all Star Wars CCG players everywhere! For those of you who visit Beakman's World, I am trying to duplicate the way that web page is run with daily updates, tech, and articles. I don't want to replace Beakman's World, just come up with a pretty good copy! So if you would like to write some stuff up just be sure to send it to me, 5D6-RA7.

Daily Updates -----------------------------------------------------------------------

10/29/01 - Alright. I talked to Big League and I have a Reflections III Booster Draft set up for November 10, 2001. It will start at 12:00 so come a little bit early to buy your 4 packs of R3 if you aren't bringing your own. THE RULZ: Bring 6 Light Battleground Locations and 6 Dark Battleground Locations. They MUST be from Tatooine, Coruscant, or Naboo. They do not have to be episode 1 locations, but they can be. Hope to see you there.

10/16/01 - Decipher announced last week that Reflections III will be released on October 31, 2001. I am really excited about this product. I have always enjoyed the Reflections line, but this I believe will easily top the previous two sets!

10/15/01 - Chris Coffee is back in town! Chris held a tournament at Sci-Fi City last Saturday. He plans on holding another tourney in two weeks.

10/9/01 - Decipher has announced the tournament foils for the month of October. Insurrection (September-October) is still being sent out. Alter (D) (October-November) is just starting up.

10/8/01 - Expect to hear DeckTech's decision this Wednesday wether they will hold a Worlds equivalent or not.

Decipher has release more images from the new RIII set. Last Friday they also posted the new rules!

10/05/01 - Ouch, Decipher. Ouch! I can't believe they canceled DecipherCon! Wow. The boards have been lit up for the past 3 days. DeckTech is talking about putting a DPC Final together that would take the place of DCon. Good luck to you guys! And always remember Orlando is a great place for this event!

9/24/01 - I wish I could have made it to the tournament, last Saturday, at Coliseum of Comics, but I couldn't. Anyway, congratulations John Terwilliger for winning first place. He would have probably beaten me anyway with that awesome deck of his!

9/21/01 - The Tech page has been updated with a deck by John Terwilliger!

9/17/01 - Decipher has announced the tournament foils for the month of September. Imperial Arrest Order (August-September) is still being sent out. Insurrection (September-October) is just starting up.

9/6/01 - Michael Faughn's tournament has been rescheduled for September 22 @ 11:00 AM at Coliseum of Comics.

9/3/01 - Another unsanctioned tournament. Only six people showed up on September 1st. I'm going to host one more tournament in the beginning of October. It will be a Episode 1 Closed Environment Constructed Tournament. I hope 8 of you will be able to make it!

8/30/01 - Big League Members, remember Big League is holding it's big sale day this Friday (August 31). Sales will include 20% off boxes and 30% off packs!

8/29/01 - This is just a reminder: I have scheduled a tournament for September 1, 2001. It will be a Swiss Open Constructed Deck. Same place, same time (Big League Cards @ 12:00). I look forward to seeing you there. Entry is $5 and along with regular store credit as prize support I will be giving away 3 common Endor FOILS and a Japanese Chewbacca. Hope to see you there!

8/27/01 - An article has been posted on the Tech page.

8/24/01 - Darth Maul With Lightsaber & Qui-Gon Jinn With Lightsaber are up on Decipher's web site! I can't wait to get one of these in my decks!

8/23/01 - As I said yesterday, I would spoil Darth Maul With Lightsaber & Qui-Gon Jinn With Lightsaber. This is the real deal, I received this official SPOILER from theforce.net. (copy from SPOILER BEGINS to SPOILER ENDS to see the spoilers) ***SPOILER BEGINS***

*Qui-Gon Jinn With Lightsaber
Jedi Master-Destiny 1
Power: 6, Ability: 7 (Jedi Master)
Deploy: 7, Forfeit: 8
[Warrior][Permanent Weapon Icon][Episode 1]
LORE: Jedi Master assigned to reveal the mysteries of the Sith. His quest has led him to the planet Naboo.
TEXT:Adds one battle destiny if with Maul. Permanent weapon is *Qui-Gon Jinn's Lightsaber (may target a character or creature for free; draw two destiny; target 'hit,' and its forfeit = 0, if total destiny > defense value).

*Darth Maul With Lightsaber
Maul-Destiny 1
Power: 7, Ability: 6 (Dark Jedi)
Deploy: 7, Forfeit: 7
[Pilot][Warrior][Permanent Weapon][Episode 1]
LORE: "Yes, my master."
TEXT: Permanent weapon is *Mauls Double-Bladed Lightsaber (twice per battle, may target a character for free; draw two destiny; target 'hit,' and its forfeit = 0, if total destiny > defense value).


8/22/01 - Darth Maul With Lightsaber & Qui-Gon Jinn With Lightsaber have been spoiled! They are awesome. I will have their texts revealed tomorrow. The only tidbit you'll get from me today is Maul's Saber is the double bladed version!

Team Central Florida is growing! Tampa players I didn't mean to leave you out when I posted my first message, you guys are invited, too! Our group is up to 5 members! If you are interested in joining, please just drop me an e-mail with your DeckTech name and zip code (for mapping our group).

8/17/01 - I have created a DeckTech Group called Team Central Florida! Any one around Orlando, Merrit Island, and Ocala please join!

8/13/01 - I have scheduled a tournament for September 1, 2001. It will be a plain regular Swiss Open Constructed Deck. Same place, same time (Big League Cards @ 12:00). I look forward to seeing you there. We will also be scheduling the first Episode 1 Closed Environment tourney! Remember the prize support for the Ep. 1 Closed is a FOIL Darth Maul With Lightsaber and a FOIL Qui-Gon Jinn With Lightsaber!

8/8/01 - Coruscant is released! Drop me an e-mail and let me know what everybody thinks!

Episode 1 Closed Environment is AWESOME! After the first tournament, Decipher will provide prize support of a FOIL Darth Maul With Lightsaber and FOIL Qui-Gon Jinn With Lightsaber! The pics aren't up yet, but you know they are going to be great additions to most decks!

8/7/01 - Decipher has released a comprehensive SWCCG: PDF card list from Premiere through Coruscant (excluding foils).

Tomorrow is the release of Coruscant! I can't wait to pick up some packs! I plan to hold my next tournament at the end of this month! That way everyone will have plenty of time to integrate the new cards!

8/2/01 - All six Coruscant rule cards have been revealed!

Decipher has announced the tournament foils for the month of August. It Could Be Worse (July-August) is still being sent out. Imperial Arrest Order (August-September) is just starting up.

8/1/01 - I'm back from my SWCCG vacation! Expect the regular updates every day! Today was the scheduled release of the Coruscant Expansion, but due to packaging difficulties the release date has been set for one week later (August 8th).

Since we have to wait awhile longer, Decipher has revealed all of the Coruscant cards on their main Coruscant page.

7/11/01 - Four more Dark Side Coruscant cards were revealed yesterday! ***SPOILER BEGINS*** (copy from SPOILER BEGINS to SPOILER ENDS to see the spoilers)
I can't believe the two objectives are uncommon! That will help deck building tremendously! They are My Lord, Is That Legal? / I Will Make It Legal and No Money, No Parts, No Deal! / You're A Slave?. Tatooine: Watto's Junkyard is a key card for NMNPND, though I like it with out the objective even better! Little Real Power is a great interrupt for the Dark Side's Galactic Senate.

7/7/01 - All I can say is WHOA! Today another 8 Coruscant cards were shown on decipher.com. ***SPOILER BEGINS*** (copy from SPOILER BEGINS to SPOILER ENDS to see the spoilers)
Destroyer Droids look promising! Master Qui-Gon is awesome! A new persona of everyone's favorite green muppet. And, Coruscant: Jedi Council Chamber, the first 3 force icon LS location! Check them out!

7/6/01 - July is really Coruscant Month! Big D released 8 images from the Coruscant Expansion last night. Release date is set for August 1, 2001! ***SPOILER BEGINS*** (copy from SPOILER BEGINS to SPOILER ENDS to see the spoilers)
The galactic senate is truly powerful! The idea of politics sounded weird to me at first, but I believe this could become a popular and powerful deck type!
***SPOILER ENDS*** I have posted my own Coruscant page to keep everyone up to date.

7/3/01 - I hope everyone has a fun and safe 4th of July holiday! And may your fireworks be as good as the show on Endor!

Almost there, almost there. My second tournament ended again without being sanctioned!!! Only 7 people attended! Hopefully we can get at least 8 for the July tournament (to be announced).

Decipher has announced the tournament foils for the month of July. Twi'lek Advisor (June-July) is still being sent out. It Could Be Worse (July-August) is just starting up.

6/28/01 - Yesterday, Decipher posted it's newest CRD. There have been a few changes to the rules, but nothing major. Along with this update a spoiler was given. Coruscant: Galactic Senate will not be a battleground. Which makes sense, as long as no battles will take place there.

6/23/01 - I will be holding my second SWCCG: Tournament this coming Saturday (June 30). It will again be held at Big League. Start time is 12:00 and the entry fee is $5. It's up to the players, but I imagine prize support will be Tatooine packs bought with the entry money. If anyone needs directions, just e-mail me and I will help you out as best I can.

6/21/01 - Well, another two cards have been errataed! A Disturbance In The Force and A Tremor In The Force are now limited to once per game!!! For once a card has been changed for the better, but still this card will see little play ever again.

6/18/01 - Last Friday, I picked up my first 19 packs of Tatooine! I was amazed with the distribution of this set! Nineteen rares with only one duplicate! I did get one AI Qui-Gon's Lightsaber. The checklists were a welcome addition.

The rule cards mention the 3 releases planned for this year. Now, everyone don't hold their breath, the releases for 2001 are: Coruscant Expansion, Theed Palace Expansion, and Reflections III. Yep, Reflections III. Since there are no foils in this set, we can assume that there will be no foils in Coruscant or Theed P. So Reflections III foils will consist mainly of Episode 1 cards.

I will have more time to devote to this page now that I have graduated! I can't believe that I am finally done! An article has been posted on the Tech page.

6/5/01 - I still haven't had the chance to pick up any Tatooine packs. My fault I guess, but I am graduating on the 16th (so I have been really busy). I have been studying the spoiler provided by Decipher.

BTW, this is for all those people out there who don't like the PDF spoilers, Decipher has released an HTML version of the spoiler for quicker viewing.

Decipher has announced the tournament foils for the month of June. Snowspeeder (May-June) is still being sent out. Twi'lek Advisor (June-July) is just starting up. I haven't seen either of these foils, but I imagine the Snowspeeder looks good. I can't imagine why Decipher chose Twi'lek Advisor though.

5/31/01 - An article has been posted on the Tech page.

5/30/01 - Tatooine is now released! What are every ones first impressions? Hopefully they will be a little more positive then their original rants. Drop me an e-mail and tell me about your best pack! Now on to Coruscant!!!

Congratulations to Aaron Watkins, Florida's State Tourney Winner!!!

5/28/01 - I have the Tech page up and running. There isn't anything posted yet, but at least there is some progress. Hey, this is pretty good for day 3! Check back later this week for some card reviews and deck ideas!

5/26/01 - Well, I just heard this week's RFD. The future of Star Wars CCG sounds pretty good. An interview with Joe Alread revealed that production on the Coruscant Expansion is almost complete. Something new told on the RFD was about the Episode 1 Tournament Environment. Starting with Coruscant, any card with the E1 icon will be played in an Episode 1 only environment. In fact, Coruscant will be a stand alone E1 expansion! No clues were given about new personas, but we will be getting new objectives next expansion!

The TECH page isn't up and running yet, but expect it up this week!

Good luck to everyone at Florida's State Tourney today! I wasn't able to make it this year, but I'm sure everyone will survive without me.

5/25/01 - The release of Tatooine is almost here (May 30) and there are mixed ideas about this latest expansion. What I find odd is how everyone complained about the mixture of Ep 1 characters into the game, but now everyone is worried about the magic bullet, Don't Do That Again, that killed Mob Points. Is it just me or is everyone afraid of change. I look at it as a new challenge to make the Dark side a winning side. Only time will tell how people will react when everyone gets their Tatooine cards. Everybody else can complain, I'm gonna get to work!

This site is created and maintained by Web Master Justin Roberts.