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 Welcome to my page! This page was built to show you my book's, I have many and they are all written  by myself. Inspired by my children and their trials and tribulations, I took pen in hand and began to  write..I've always said .. "That  If you want to enter a world other than your own, All you have to do is  open a book.. There you can Sail the seven seas with Sinbad the Sailor.. Or even, ride a raft down the  mighty Mississippi with Huckleberry Finn.. Or maybe, you can explore the stars with the crew aboard  the U. S. S. Enterprise in Star Trek! The choise is your's. But remember, An Adventure awaits you in a  book!"

  Step into my mind, to what lay's instore for all of you that dares to enter, or dares to dream! Attainment,  extensions of one's inner soul and yet it never feels, as it should.. Subsequently, you could say; where  forces work beyond your comprehension. In order to point out the difference, I created The Thirteen  Worlds and as you read each book, you'll begin to believe and enter into my dreams, like atmosphere  where shadows become reality and reality becomes a fantasy. Or better yet at times, you won't even  know the difference! Yet, when you breach the portal between the inner and outer world of reality which  makes up life as we know it, you'll find a fascinating place that has lured man kind since the dawn of  time. For most, they have always believed that dreams were sent to us by external Gods, but in fact they  were brought about by wondering souls or a shift in the dimensional plain, which enables the dreamer to  see beyond his or her capabilities. And I was one of many, who tapped into that realm which brought me  to a higher capability of thought. As you read my Chronicles of the thirteen Worlds, you will know  you've entered my world of dreams and reality!

My name is Elaine (Lepage)Boucher
I hope you enjoy my page and if you want any other information
about my books, please feel free to E-Mail me..
Oh and please don't forget to sign my guestbook. Thank you



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My Awards

I now have my own graphics page up with my own DESIGNS,
Take a look, You won't be disapointed! *SMILES*


I have a whole new Guestbook.. If you would
like to see my old one, Please click HERE

Or HERE For my last guestbook


This is my daughter (Volcana's) page
Take a look, You won't be disapointed! *SMILES*



 I am very proud of this award. Thank you so much Celestrial Coren!

Spirit Page Cheers



 Supporter of the

  Adopt a Dragon Foundation


 This is King Pendragon the Wizard and his lovely wife Hurdra The High Priestess.
They are the Guardians of my Page.




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