Who Is Larisah?

I am Larisah Darwenwood
, a very young elven lass. The bardic blood runs in my veins. My father roamed around Elanthia singing and telling tales. One day he was travelling from an Inn in one town to a pub in the next, when he was taken capture by the King of Thieves to sing at a wedding. The gods forbid the scoundrels just ask him; he certainly would not have minded. If it meant a bed and food, he would sing for the devil himself if asked.
Once my father was brought to the den of thieves, he did not have long to wait to sing. Soon, in came a group of thugs dragging a beautiful, if battered, young elven maid. He was shocked and appalled that anyone should harm her, and when he found out that she was the bride, his mind went searching for a plan.
Beside him, in chains, was an graying cleric who had long since started to look a little worse for wear. Not much help there. He glanced at the maid, who was struggling against her bonds.
"Cur, let me go, you have no idea who you mess with!" shouted the woman who was to be my mother.
The hideous King of Thieves just laughed at her. "You, my dear, will be my bride. It makes no matter who you are, or what position you hold." he replied nastily.
They readied her for the wedding and commanded my father to sing. Silence. Not a sound came from my father. He would not open his mouth to sing or move his hands across his lute to play a tune. Provoked, they yelled at him. They hit him. They dragged him about and threatened his nether regions. Most men would have given up right there, but not my father.
Truth be known, it was part of his plan. The bandits distracted, my mother wriggled loose and ran, swiftly into the forest. My mother can run like the wind so there was no way they could catch her. The King, extremely upset at being robbed of his wife, turned to my father and growled "If I can't have a wedding, I will certainly have a killing, and I will start with you!" he exclaimed as he gestured to his guards to bring my father to him.Just then out of the forest came such a racket.
Everyone stood rooted to the spot, as cougars and bears, wolves and raccoons rushed in the area and started attacking the ruffians.
The previously silent cleric broke his bonds with a word and called down holy fire apon the thieves. My father, freed by a friendly little field mouse, grabbed a sword and struck the hidious King of Thieves. Well true, that did not do much to the huge king, but it did make my father feel real good.
My mother did the king in, with an arrow right in his eye. The ruffains ran into the forest, never to be seen from again. My father had never seen such a beautiful site, even though covered in blood my mother was quite a lady.
Not much later than that they were married in that same forest, where they live to this day keeping it safe for all.

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