The Demon - Jonathon Blackwell
The Demon - Lord of the Wasteland

aka Jonathon Blackwell, The Ringmaster

Creature of fire and shadow, blood
and thunder. He embodies vengeance
and terror, the darkest impulses of
mortal souls, but also the purgative
flames of rebirth; destruction
that proceeds creation.
His is the element of fire.


Blackwell's Tale

   Although Jonathon Blackwell was born to a noble family, his life was forever changed when his father fell behind in paying his taxes to the King of England. Troops were sent to destroy the Blackwell homestead and murder the family. Jonathon witnessed the Red Coats murder his mother and father, but was able to escape to the countryside. Forever changed by the experience, Blackwell vowed vengeance upon the King and joined a pack of thieves. As time passed, he became the most feared highwayman of all England and quickly ascended through the ranks and became their leader. Infamous for killing royals rather than just merely robbing them, he became known as 'Blackwell the Devil.' However, for forty silver pieces, a traitor named Riley sold Blackwell out to the King. Riley lured Blackwell to the North of England to an old abandoned tower meant to become the bands safe house. Soon after, the Red Coats arrived and Riley slashed Blackwell's face open with a blade and knocked him through the old floorboards. Adding insult to injury, Riley then dropped his torch down on top of him. As Jonathon Blackwell was slipping between life and death, he vowed to come back from the grave to have his revenge. The Demon appeared and offered him a pact to become an instrument of revenge and retribution as a vessel of the Elder. As soon as Blackwell accepted, he found himself on the side of a road where a Circus caravan was passing. Blackwell has been the ringmaster of the Circus ever since...

Bonus pics -

The Demon #1
The Demon #2
The Demon #3
The Demon #4
The Demon #5
The Demon #6
The Demon #7
The Demon #8
The Demon #9
The Demon #10
The Demon #11
The Demon #12
The Demon #13
The Demon #14
The Demon #15
The Demon #16
The Demon #17
The Demon #18
The Demon #19
The Demon #20
The Demon #21
The Demon #22

Demon Sketch

Adam Moon/The Demon #1
Adam Moon/The Demon #2

Blackwell #1
Blackwell #2
Blackwell #3
Blackwell #4
Blackwell #5

We work long & hard on many of the pictures found on this site. Please do us a favor: don't
rationalize stealing these pictures. If you can't create an original web site, don't do one!
Real simple, right? Anyway, if you do, I'll let my boys Nicky & Mickey pay you a visit. I may
even go as far as getting the Nightmare King to resurrect Deuce! This could get ugly...
-KISS PSYCHO CIRCUS by SPACEBASS (hey, good idea for an issue...)

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