The Celestial - Matthew Stargrave

The Celestial - Scion of the Cosmos

aka Matthew Stargrave, The Stilt Walker

Represents the principles of
universal balance, the ultimate
harmony of the cosmos. Observes
situations dispassionately and
sees all sides of a dilemma.
His is the element of air.


Stargrave's Tale

   Matthew Stargrave was a neglected child that grew up on the streets with his impovershed family. While very young, his father brutally cut out Matthew's tongue in order to stop him from crying out for food during the night. The boy was soon taken from his family and was given sanctuary at a local church under the supervision of a kind priest named Father Fideles. Matthew took an instant shine to the cathedral, and enjoyed climbing to the top of the tall church spires. To please the child, Father Fideles allowed him to be in charge of ringing the bells for the services and soon after Matthew Stargrave made the bell tower his permanent residence.
   Over time, Father Fideles became a father figure to Matthew and passed his interest in the sciences on to the mute boy by giving him astronomy lessons from the rooftop. One terrible day, the priest collapsed of a heart attack, leaving Matthew Stargrave alone in a cruel world. Panicked at losing the only person that kept him from living on the streets, or in an asylum, Matthew walked to the edge of the rooftop and stepped off. Before he could fall to his death, the Celestial appeared from the heavens and offered him a pact to become a vessel of the Elder. After Matthew nodded his consent, he instantly found himself walking on a deserted road until the Circus found him. He has been the Stilt-Walker of the Circus ever since...

Bonus pics -

The Celestial #1
The Celestial #2
The Celestial #3
The Celestial #4
The Celestial #5
The Celestial #6
The Celestial #7
The Celestial #8
The Celestial #9
The Celestial #10
The Celestial #11
The Celestial #12
The Celestial #13
The Celestial #14
The Celestial #15
The Celestial #16
The Celestial #17

Stargrave #1
Stargrave #2
Stargrave #3

Stargrave/Adam Moon
Stargrave/Dr. Magus
Stargrave/Father Fideles

Celestial Sketch
Stargrave Sketches

We work long & hard on many of the pictures found on this site. Please do us a favor: don't
rationalize stealing these pictures. If you can't create an original web site, don't do one!
Real simple, right? Anyway, if you do, I'll let my boys Nicky & Mickey pay you a visit. I may
even go as far as getting the Nightmare King to resurrect Deuce! This could get ugly...
-KISS PSYCHO CIRCUS by SPACEBASS (hey, good idea for an issue...)

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