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Welcome to my page of of art, links and other stuff.
My name is Jason Kerr, to learn more about me:
This page is dedicated to a good friend of mine, Angar the orc. Angar is a comic book hero I've had in the works for a few years now, and it won't be long until I have him published. I will be posting some of the art from my book periodically, as I finish it. I probably won't have any up until after christmas, but until then feel free to poke around the rest of my page.
Check out my Character Gallery. It's why I made this page in the first place.
Behold my Page O' Links. Actually it's not that important. Check out my art it's much more fun.
Coming attractions: Picture frames (maybe) and some of my gouache paintings.
My favorite Hobbies (besides art) RPG's and miniature war games.
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Thanks to Geocities for letting Orks hang out here. Geocities
Send me an email angar