Welcome to my chat room!! Ain't it cool??

Hey people! I finally got up a chat room. Even Loni doesn't have one yet! Ain't that just too cool? I finally beat her at something. I also have more pictures than her, but hey, who's keeping count. Hope you all enjoy this niftly little chat.

Please read the rules before you go into my chat room

Rule #1: Absolutely NO foul or obscene language. Not only is it a Geocities rule, it is also one of my own. There are children that surf the net, and who are interested in comic books and such, and I don't want any angry parents hunting me down with lawsuits or anything. If the language gets too out of hand, I will take the chat room down until I can be convinced that people will follow this rule.

Rule #2: I would like to keep the conversation centered around at least the Marvel Universe, but I know who people tend to get off track in chat rooms and go off on a totally random subject. I don't mind that, in fact, I do it myself.....a lot. But still, this is a comic-based page, and some people come on here only for chatting about that subject.

Rule #3: No flaming or speaking badly about other people. No making fun of people in a hurtful way. What I mean by this is that childish teasing is ok. Loni and I do it all the time, and neither of us are hurt by the other because we know we don't mean it. So basically, don't say anything hurtful to another person, unless you know for sure, that they know you don't really mean it. Is that clear? I hope so.

Thats all for now! Go on in and enjoy!!!!

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