The Dragon's FlameBregan D'AerthThe Dragon's Flame

Drow, it is the name of a race that none who have seen shall ever forget. The drow, or Dark Elves, as they are also known are the vile and brutal kin to the righteous and gentle surface elves. The drow long ago gave up the goodly ways of their traitorous kin, and embraced the darkness with eager arms, and stepped into the darkness that is the Underdark. They did this with hearts filled with evil and rage, knowing that they would return one extract their revenge against their kin and to rule.

Over the hundreds of centuries that have past, the drow have moved throughout worlds and have gained power. Their magic becoming great enough, that they have spread to new realms, in an urging to gain power and to shed blood of those foolish enough to get in their way. Sosaria is one such world, and know that the drow are indeed in the lands of....
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Though they are untrustworthy and even treacherous, many drow have banded together, forming groups, famillies, from the mighty noble houses that rule over entire cities, to merchant companies and mercenary guilds, such as the fearsom Bregan D'Aerthe of Menzoberranzan. The drow of Bregan D'Aerth have indeed come to Sosaria in search of profit, adventure, and to slaughter those foolish enough to stand in their way.


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The Drow of the Underdark