Febuary 10, 1999.

Descriptionss of the above hyperlinks.

Hi and welcome to the Domain Compound!!! My name is Tom Savage, AKA ORGANIX, or THE INCREDIBLE TOM. This site is a place where various sci-fi, comic, and other stories and pictures can be found. Most are my own, but I am accepting submissions to anyone who wants to get a story or picture put here. This site also contains information from the Domain comic book that I do.

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook.

Go to The Vault to see the stories I have on this site.

Go to my Comic Room to find out about the Domain comic book and stuff that I do

If you wish to submit a story or contact me go to The Communications Room.

Go to my Family and friends page

Go to The Image gallery. It contains the pictures which are used on this site.

Go to The Mirc page for info about me and stuff I do on Mirc.

Go to The Music PageTo find out what music you should listen to while viewing this website.

Go to the Links page

Go to the Thanks page before you go, a friendly message and notes for upcoming stuff.

Go to the Update page.to find out what's new.

Claire Danes' Feet.

Freefall's feet.