
Great! You want to join the big, happy, loving family of Luke Lovers. First go over these simple rules. I think you will find them agreeable.

I. Chain letters are a generally bad idea. Don't use the LSEB as your mailing list.
II. No being possessive. No one likes a possessive Luke Lover.
III. Nastiness is bad karma and unwanted here.
IV. No repeated messages full of capitals and exclamation marks just because Sammy didn't update the minute she got your message. Calm down already.

Ok. You read the rules. Now you really want to join. Follow these instructions and everything will work smoothly.

I. Make an e-mail adressed Or just click here.
II. In the topic of this message, type 'LSEB', 'Joining LSEB' or something like that.
III. In the body of this message, state your name/handle and e-mail address.
IV. Send it off