U p d a t e s!

December 17, 2000 ~ Added 15 new quotes to the quote pages. Art / Dictionary updates to follow.

August 15, 2000 ~ Updated the Dictionary, the Quotes, and the Art pages. Also, added a new author, and a new person joined our team. Also, more stuff, but I can't remember what it was.

July 4, 2000 ~ Yes it has been a while since our last update but we have been adding things behind the scenes. Amy, Kate,Maz, Omolara, and "A.J. Witter all have new fanfic added. We have also added to the art page and to Dawson's Dictionary. We noticed that the P/J page was getting to be too big and taking a while to load so we split that into two sections. Thats about it for now but remember to send us any fic you write or add on to! Oh and Happy Fourth of July!!

April 19, 2000 ~ Wow, you think it's been a long time since we've had a documented update? You would be correct. However, as always, we change little things here and there, add a fanfic or two, a new word, a new artist....I just revised the Author Page. Also, I added Part 11 to my Foolish Acts series. We are in the process of recruiting more help, authors, and groovy stuff to share with you all, so any motivation you could lend our way would do us a lot of good. We are also asking people who send us fanfic, and will send us fic in the future to put us on your mailing list and join ours. This way, you'll get the latest updates, and we'll be aware of any new parts to your stories. That's it for now! Thanx again!

January 2, 2000 ~ Alright, I know it looks like we haven't done anything in a long time, but that's just not true. Behind the scenes, Steph has been adding fic and tons other stuff. Today I managed to get some of it sorted. Cuddles has a series in the Pacey/Andie Page. Laura has a BtVS/DC Crossover story in the Crossover Page. Jessica has something new in the Pacey/Joey Page. And Maz has a whole ton of new stories on the P/J Page as well. Take a look at the Fun Page for a new dictionary word, and some new stuff about an artist. Also, check out the polls.

And I think that's it for now! Have a Happy New Year!

October 21, 1999 ~ It's been a while, and school has laid some of us back from our prompt web updates, but I think it's time for an update. There's a new Dictionary Word, a new Featured Artist and the P/J Page crashed. But we have fixed it. However, we are missing the newest parts to a lot of stories. If you see that your story hasnt been updated in a while, drop us an email at either lil_27@hotmail.com, dcfanatics@hotmail.com, or spooky_mulder@hotmail.com and we'll be sure to see that it's remedied.

September 12, 1999 ~ I put up the new Front Page! New image map! With this comes this update page, a page for awards, webrings, and a page for Fun Stuff!! Also, I've added author A.J. Witter plus a few more. The Pacey/Andie archive is filling slowly, and every now and then we get more and more p/j stories. Also, I've put up part 10 of my Foolish Acts series! Enjoy!

We at the DCFanatics would like to know your opinions about things. Here's our question of the week. Do you like the Author Banners? Are they a waste of time? Remember, if you find a broken link, report it to lil_27@hotmail.com. Have a good week!

August 12, 1999 ~ Getting ready to set up the new image map, (shown on the main page). Pretty soon, we'll have polls, message boards, fic, pics, sounds, and some other cool stuff. Added new authors Daizy, and Carrie. Updated the P/J Stories Page and the Dawson/Joey Page. Added a Pacey/Andie Archive and so far, it has ONE story.

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