lightning orb Welcome! lightning orb
Mistress of Darkness
This image copyrighted by J. Bowser.
I own no images on these pages, except my cats, sister, and myself.

If you've been here in the past month and were confused I'm really sorry. My
boyfriend's homepage was somehow uploaded to my directory so anyone
trying to see this address actually saw his page :(

Hi! I'm Differentia and this is my first attempt at a web page. Please be patient.
Look around, hopefully there is something here for you. Have fun! :)

             Why don't you try:
                 The Sanctuary  pages of cyberpets and things I've adopted
                 Phoebe's Lair   the page is dedicated to my calico kitty
                 My Favorite Boys  pages dedicated to the men I love--Spike, Fox, and Dilandau
                 Ashley's Domain    the page dedicated to my little sister
                 Who is Differentia?   all about little ol' me, as if people actually care :)

             Coming soon:
                 Fantasy  my pages dedicated to fantasy type things. Not sure what is going to be there yet. Hopefully ren faire
                                stuff and fantasy pictures.

This and some other backgrounds were taken from Ace of Space Graphics. Go visit! 


Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook! 

The Yahoo! people were nice and gave me my first search listing, so I'm going to give them a spot on my page :)

[ Yahoo! ]options

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