Welcome to BABY Nissa's page

Hi my name is Nissa..Richie's pet dragon. HE doens't know it yet but really he is my pet. I was born on March 9, 1999. Not much to tell yet just checking out things. I do know my new dad has 6 ferrets they are kewl. They have their own webpage. MY dad loves sci-fi, Star Wars, Red Dwarf, and Star Trek espcially. Well going to fly around and see what's going on come back for more stories..

Hi it's March 24, 1999.. Well I checked out the place. It's really nice has lots room for me to play. These ferret creatures are fun they love to bounce and play. I really like playing with the one name Moogle. He is so silly. He loves to bounce and fight. I'm going to this place called the beach soon. I hear it has the ocean and sand. Never seen those so it should be a kewl place. Well off to find more interesting stuff check back later.

hi well its the summer.. I like this time of the year.. nice andhot *S* Went to the beach place it's really kewl with the waves to play on and the hot sand *S*.. well off to play video games

Hi it's November 6th.. a very sad day for me.. my bestest friend Moogle had to be put to sleep, he became sick very quick and was born with a liver disease that wasn't treatable. Dad wasn't very happy but moogle was no longer himself and that he couldn't stand to see him waste away. I will always remember my little buddy.. goes off to Rememebr my friend...

Hi it's the New Year... I went to the beach with dad mom and Leia, that's their dog. She is a beagel. She is cute and loves to lick. She pounces on dad it's so funny. She also licks him all the time *S*... well everyone enjoy the New YEAR. off to play.... Hi its June 22nd sorry haven't been around lluch just been playing *S* leia is so much fun and have been to the beach like 5 times *S* see ya later

You can get your own Dragon Like me at Dixey's Downloadable Dragons