-Strike Primus Cruiser-
This variant of the Primus was widely used.  Since it required less effort to
build - the battle lasers, esp. - it was much less expensive.  As this was
a major factor around the late 2250s, these craft saw extensive deployment.
Most often they were sent on the less critical, or sometimes, suicidal
missions.  Due to the lack of any real "heavy weapons", and depending on the
house building it, it could be as inexpensive as a Vorchan!

-Centarum Cruiser-
A medium cruiser.  The Centarum was a rather recent construction of the 
Centauri Navy.  It was used in patrol missions if a Primus could not be
spared.  Although it cost almost twice as much to build, it was vastly 
favored by the Admirals over the Vorchan for patrols.

The ship was also excellant in battle.  For long-range attacks, the Battle
Lasers were unsurpassed.  And, for short ranges, little was more powerful than
the Plasma Accelerator.  The fact that this ship could carry an entire
squadron of fighters was also an excellant design feature.

-Couro Prido Class Cruiser-
A class improvement to the Vorchan.  This design was rejected for mass 
production due to the inherent cost differential.  The Vorchan was simply
easier to produce.  However, this craft's ability to carry files and open its
own jump point made it very useful, and it did see extensive service for 
deep space patrols and convoy escorts.  It was notably better than the Vorchan
at this since the class improvements were almost exclusively to its fighter
defense capabilities.

-Sentur Class Heavy Fighter-
A heavy fighter design submitted for consideration to the Centauri Naval 
Command.  Since the Republic was at a period of decline and could not afford
mass production of such an expensive design, it was rejected in favor of a 
medium fighter - the Sentri.

This fighter did enter limited production during the period of expansion after
the last Shadow War.

By: Leonard Farnsworth
A standard freighter used in the Centauri republic.

-Armed Shuttle-
A shuttlecraft used most frequently on command ships.  These types are almost
never seen on a Vorchan or smaller.  They are used for transporting more
important officers from ship to ship.

    Source: geocities.com/area51/rampart/5915/ships

               ( geocities.com/area51/rampart/5915)                   ( geocities.com/area51/rampart)                   ( geocities.com/area51)